Monday, December 28, 2009

map of Varisia

4709 Pharast 4th

The pcs hold a council with Thousand Bones of the Skoan-Quah. Thousand Bones does not possess the information the pcs need but he knows who does; the Sun Shaman of the Sklar-Quah.

However the Sklar-Quah hate outsiders and barely tolerate the Skoan-Quah. After much discussion it is decided that in order to gain the trust of the Sklar-Quah they must be "born again" by being eaten and excreted by the great greyworm Cindermaw. In order to prove that the pcs really did this they must gain the services of a Truthspeaker. The only current Truthspeaker among the Shoanti is an old man of the Lyrune-Quah tribe. The Lyrune-Quah are also xenophobic and the only way to gain their trust is to have a worshipper of Desna among the pcs take a pilgrimage to the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers and take the holy Spherewalker's Mark on the left hand. The Lyrune-Quah are unique among the Shoanti in that they actually worship a god of the civilized lands.

4709 Pharast 3rd

The pcs leave Kaer Maga at sunrise and push their mounts hard for the Kallow Mounds. They are attacked by a flaming creature know as a Cindersnake but easily defeat it. They make the Kallow Mounds at sunset and are insulted and challenged by a Shoanti barbarin known as Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills.

Thousand Bones says he will hold a tribal council in the morning.

4709 Pharast 2nd

The pcs travel to Kaer Maga. First they must ascend the Storval Rise via a crane. The the pcs endure the infamous pick pockets and con men of Kaer Maga. Some of the party's money and equipment is stolen.

4709 Pharast 1st

The pcs travel to Sirathu on Jasan's horses.

4709 Calistril 30th

The pcs leave at sunrise on the horses provided by Jasan and push their horses hard so as to reach Janderhoff at sunset.

4709 Calistril 28th-29th

The pcs stay in at the Blackbird Stables in Harse for two days while they plan their next move. The owner, Jasan Adrieal, is an old friend of Vencarlo's. After a long meeting the pcs decide they must travel to the Cinderlands to gain advice from 1,000 Bones about the Crown of Fangs that Queen Ileosa now wears. Neolandus believes that the Crown of Fangs is an ancient evil artifact that was guarded by the Shoanti and that it is the source of the queen's power and the changes in her personality. The pcs decide to travel to the Kallow Mounds via first Janderhoff and then Kaer Maga. Neolandus and Vencarlo advise Jasan to sell everything and move before word of his assistance to the pcs reaches Queen Ileosa.

4709 Calistril 25th-27th

The pcs again swap ships at Palin's Cove to throw off pursuers and take a riverboat upstream to Harse.

4709 Calistril 23rd-24th

The pcs switch ships at Veldraine to throw off Queen Ileosa's Red Mantis assassins. They take a new ship to Palin's Cove.

4709 Calistril 21st-22nd

The pcs escape Korvosa and take a Cerulean Society smuggling ship to the city of Velraine.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

4709 Calistril 20th

Very early AM
The pcs return to their barracks for some well deserved rest.

Very early PM
The pcs return to Endrin Island to the Arkona palace and request an audience with Glorio Arkona. After waiting a few hours the pcs meet with Glorio himself. With much innuendo it becomes apparent that Glorio bears the queen little loyalty and he despises Pilts Swastel. He also eventually admits to holding both Neolandus and Trinia in his dungeon. With some convincing from the pcs and oaths that satisfy him Glorio agrees to let the pcs rescue Trinia and Neolandus from his dungeon. Glorio warns the pcs of traps and that the dungeon sits on a rotating platform. He also mentions that monsters occasionally try to make their home there as well. Glorio and his majordomo escort the pcs to the dungeon entrance and send them on their way.

The pcs find that the dungeon dead ends and that they are unable to progress any further without utilizing a lever that activates the "rotating" feature of this dungeon. After some experimentation and after defeating a few arcane sigil traps the pcs figure out how to navigate the dungeon. The pcs then find the objects of their quest Neolandus and Trinia. They are guarded by a powerful Sphinx but the pcs easily overcome the beast after Andrian uses a magical garrote to knock the creature out. While the creature is unconcious the pcs surround it and cut it down. As the pcs attempt to exit the dungeon they are confronted by a creature named Vimanda appearing as a drow that claims to be both the sister and wife of Glorio whose real name seems to be Bahor. The pcs are offered a choice of allying with Vimanda or fighting her to the death. Bruntalmar pierces Vimanda's illusion and sees her for the panther-woman she really is.

After a vigorous debate the pcs choose to ally with Vimanda against Bahor. Vimanda leads the pcs through the Arkona's mansion and a half dozen of their retainers join them and shift to their true forms at Vimanda's command. All seem to be rakshasas with human-like bodies but backwards hands and animal heads. Vimanda confronts Bahor in the garden and the battle is joined.

Despite Bahor's great magical might he soon falls before the combined power of the pcs lead by Vimanda. Impressed with the pcs prowess and weakened herself Vimanda fullfills her agreement and gives what could be argued is half the wealth in the Arkona's treaure room. It helps the pcs that it is at this time that Blackjack reveals his presence by dropping out of the trees and indicating he stands by them. Vimanda also offers to smuggle the pcs out of Korvosa aboard a Cerulean Society supply ship but threatens the pcs with death should they speak of what they know about the Arkona family.

Very Late PM
The pcs board a smuggler's ship bound for Veldraine and finally leave Korvosa behind them.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

4709 Calistril 19th Korvosa

Blackjack visits the pcs just before dawn as they are preparing to go to bed. Blackjack tells the pcs that Trinia Sabor disappeared while investigating the whereabouts of a friend named Salvatore Scream who may have been connected with the staged abduction of Neolandus Kaleopopulus. The pcs meet with Vencarlo at Blackjack's request and discuss the matter.

The pcs return to Endrin Island and are escorted by a mob to the "palace" of Pilts Swindel. The pcs convince the "Emperor" to let them see Salvatore Scream but he insists that pcs must win a game of Bloodpig before he will allow them to see his artist. Then the pcs defeat Pilts Swastel's team the "Bloodblades" in a 5 to zero shut out.

"Emperor" Swastil then attempt to sway the crowd into forcing the pcs to play best two out of 3 but Riley, with coaching from Andrian, turns the crowd to their favor. With little to no choice Pilts allows the pcs to see Salvatore Scream. The pcs discover that Salvatore Scream does indeed know what happened to Neolandus Kaleopopulus. Apparently Salvatore asked the royal Arkona family to hide the Seneschal and Neolandus has not been heard from since. The pcs also discover that Salvatore's art has suffered since his "muse" and the nightmares have left him. And Salvatore begs the pcs to rescue him from Pilts Swastel.

4709 Calistril 16th-18th Korvosa

The pcs take a brief but well earned rest while they plan their next move. A letter arrives from Shalelu that states that she has found the dwarven expedition to Rhandrundar and that the dwarves are in desperate need of rescue.

4709 Calistril 15th Korvosa

The pcs enter the sewers and easily defeat the gigantic carrion crawler thanks to Brunt's new ability to summon phantom knights along with two spells cast by Riley that immobilize the beast.

4709 Calistril 14th Korvosa

Queen Ileosa again rewards the pcs for their bravery and also requests that they slay a beast in the sewer that is eating all of Korvosa's waste disposing otyughs. She meets privately with Andrian.

Monday, October 12, 2009

4709 Calistril 13th Korvosa Endrin Island

Shortly after midnight
The pcs re-eneter Endrin Island to eliminate the pockets of plague zombies. With difficulty the pcs defeat one large horde of zombies at an abandoned warhouse and a smaller horde trapped in a barracked T intersection.

Emboldened by the pcs success the commoners of Enrin Island launch a massive counter attack against the zombies. The people are led by Devargo Barvasi and his new patron Pilts Swastel the former theatre owner.

Devargo declares victory over the zombies and crowns Pilts Swastel the Emperor of Endrin Island. Riley decides to use the distraction of the victory speech to return to Devargo's unguarded lair at Eel's End

Saturday, September 26, 2009

4709 Calistril 12th Korvosa Endrin Island

The pcs enter Endrin Island and use their superior skills to confine and isolate zombie hordes. After the vast majority of zombies are immobilized the pcs retreat and rest.

4709 Calistril 11th Korvosa

Queen Ileosa declares a jubilee and hosts a ceremony in the pcs honor. The pcs are praised and given gifts of magic from the royal Treasury. The Queen begs the pcs to free Endrin Island from the plague of zombies and they agree. At the end of the jubilee Dr. Devaulus is brought out and confesses to his treachery and is beheaded.

4709 Calistril 9th-10th Korvosa

Before the pcs hand the cure over to Korvosan officials they make sure the temples have a copy of the cure's formula. When this is completed the pcs assist in the distribution of the cure. Vencarlo donates a considerable sum to this endeavor.

4709 Calistril 6th-8th Korvosa

The pcs combine their skills with the information in Ramoska's journal and concoct a cure for the Blood Veil.

4709 Calistril 5th Korvosa

The pcs move the lab of the vampire Ramoska Arkminos to the hidden basement in Vencarlo's fencing studio.

4709 Calistril 4th Korvosa

Very early AM
The pcs then take Dr. Devaulus' body to Cressida Kroft and report what they have seen. Cressida asks the pcs to return to the hospital's dungeon to gather evidence to prove their accusations against the Queen. The pcs are sought out and found by a Shoanti barbarian that is either the grandson or grandnephew of Thousand Bones. Agrippa claims to be the brother of the barbarian warrior Gaeken whose body was dismembered by Rolth the Necromancer. Apparently Agrippa seeks vengeance against Rolth for the desecration of his brother's body. The pcs return soon return to the dungeon and find that all of the Queen's physicians and the priests of Urgathoa have been turned into plague zombies. After a protracted battle the pcs dismember the 24 zombies but nearly all of the pcs are infected with the Blood Veil.

The pcs then search the dungeon and locate a small amount of treasure and in a secret room they find the lab and journal of the vampire, Ramoska Arkminos, who adapted Vorel's legacy, an injury infection, to an communicable disease that could spread human to human. A perusal of this journal gives the pcs enough information to attempt to create a cure for the Blood Veil.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

4709 Calistril 3rd Korvosa

Late afternoon
The pcs decide to investigate the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. There they find only a hand full of plague victims waiting to be admitted. Andrian tells the burly nurse receptionist that he is here to visit a sick friend but when asked to wait for permission the pcs simply enter uninvited. The nurse attracts the attention of a half dozen of the raven-masked Queen's Physicians. After a brief discussion the doctors tell the pcs that they will send for their leader Dr. Davaulus. Meanwhile Carufinwe notices Gray Maidens patrolling a catwalk near the ceiling.

Instead of waiting Andrian dodges past the blocking doctors and darts for the nearby door. The doctors seemed very upset by this and shout that they are under attack and a battle begins. There follows a protracted battle wherein the doctors reveal that they have magical powers including healing abilities.

Early in the battle a doctor escapes the melee and flees downstairs shouting a warning all the way. The Gray Maidens leap down from the catwalk and enter the melee and Riley teleports to the catwalk and is pursued by a single gray maiden. Riley's thunder spell slays three innocent bed-ridden plague victims. The Gray Maidens and the Queen's Physicians fight well but are eventually overwhelmed by the superior skills of the pcs. After the battle ends the corpses of the Gray Maidens are found to be female-shaped mannequin-like golems made of wood, stone, and metal. The pcs hear shouts of warning and anger from the basement level.

Late PM
The pcs search and discover an elevator that ascends to the catwalk and descends to the basement level. Apparently the escaped Queen's physician used the elevator to lower himself to the dungeon level. As Andrian watches the elevator rope is cut denying easy access to the basement. As the pcs search the warehouse for secret doors and discuss their options a contingent of the day guard arrives. Spying a dozen corpses and the pcs with naked weapons and covered with blood they take the pcs to be the aggressors if not out and out murderers. The pcs are taken to Cressida Kroft where they attempt to convince her of their innocence. Cressida is unconvinced but isn't sure what to believe. She tells the pcs that she cannot assist them but she releases them so they can attempt to prove their innocence.

The pcs return to the warehouse and repel 40 feet down to the dungeon level. As soon as the pcs exit the elevator shaft they are attacked by eight plague zombies. The zombies are quickly dispatched but two of the Queen's physicians shout the alarm. A few moments later the pcs are confronted by the dreaded Dr. Devaulus and her apparent accomplice Lady Andaisin.

Lady Andaisin tells the pcs to drop their weapons and surrender but instead they attack her. The surprise attack is very effective and Lady Andaisin is forced to retreat and seek healing from her acolytes in the next room. She returns to fray unwounded and the pcs begin to lose hope. As the pcs attack Dr. Devaulus to the front they are attacked from the left flank by the infamous necromancer Rolth. A powerful vampire stands near Rolth but he seems to be biding his time. At first the pcs seemed to be outmatched and doomed but Andrian blows his magic horn and the mighty Black comes to their rescue. Rolth lays down a spell barrage they keeps the pcs off balance but with Blackjack's assistance Lady Andaisin and Dr. Devaulus are fighting for their lives. Then the bishop of Pharasma, Keppira d'Bear, arrives and the tide of battle swings to the pc's favor. First Dr. Devaulus is slain then Lady Andasin. The vampire decides to flee and Rolth soon follows but is pursued by Bruntalmar.

When Rolth reaches the door to the next room he turns to fight with ten of the queen's physicians at his back. Rolth's spell barrage begins to take a toll on the pcs and the Queen's physicians heal Rolth before he can take any serious harm. Blackjack attempts to flank Rolth but then is himself surrounded by the Queen's physicians. Rolth creates a field of necrotic magic in front of him and the pcs decide to retreat. The pcs climb up the rope to the ground level. Blackjack and Keppira fend off Rolth giving the pcs time to escape and then they escape as well. Rolth attempts to pursue the pcs by climbing the rope but as he nears the top Andrian cuts the line and Rolth falls almost 40 feet. Rolth pulls himself up and vows vengeance against the pcs.

4709 Calistril 2nd Korvosa

As the pcs invetigate the plague they keep noticing that many seriously ill citizens go to the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden, run by the Queen's Physicians, but none seem to return cured.

4709 Calistril 1st Korvosa

The pcs continue to investigate plague rumors and stop off at the wererat sewer entrance to check on the monster worm. They see a fur-covered rat-like arm that shifts into a human as soon as it is touched by daylight. The pcs suspect the giant worm they loosed has consumed the wererat terror cell led by Girrigz.

4709 Abadius 30th Korvosa

An old female wererat in human form by the name of Eries Yelloweyes overhears the pcs asking about wererats and speaks to them once the streets clear. Eries tells the pcs that the wererats are not the cause of the plague and that any rumors to the contrary are due to the fact that a terrorist wererat by the name of Girrigz is planning a revolution while the humans are occupied with the Bloodvale. She agrees to take the pcs to his lair to stop a war between humans and wererats. Eries takes them to the sewer hole closest to the wererat lair and gives them directions to locate the wererats' hidden den and then she leaves. The pcs attempt to stealth past the sewer's otyughs but Carufinwe is spotted and a battle breaks out. The pcs easily slay two otyughs but Riley attacks a huge green multi-legged tentacled worm that is trapped behind a portcullis. The already hungry worm becomes enraged and attempts to smash down the portcullis. The pcs retreat while the worm attacks the barrier but Verek moves to block the huge green worm. As the pcs escape the worm attacks and paralyzes Verek. The pcs attempt to counter attack but Verek is dragged off and consumed before the worm takes any serious harm.

4709 Abadius 27th-29th Korvosa

The pcs investigate rumors of wererats being the source of the Bloodvale. Also Jolistina is hanged on the 28th.

Monday, August 10, 2009

4709 Abadius 24th Korvosa

Late PM
The pcs finally locate the Varisian singer Deyanira Mirukova. She tells the pcs that her brother, Ruan, went missing after being hired to play at a masquerade ball held at the Carowyn Manor. She begged the pcs to find her brother and when they agree she takes the pcs to Carowyn Manor. Andrain briefly scouted out the mansion's grounds and then the pcs entered the front door. To their horror they found that the party goers had all become plague-zombies but these were different in that they were enchanted to continue their celebrations even in undeath. The pcs then went upstairs and found a living forlorn elf by the name of Jolistina Susperio dressed as a harlequin.

After a brief conversation wherein she revealed that she was an associate of Rolth the necromancer, she leaped from the 2nd floor balcony and commanded the zombies to attack. Then followed a protracted battle in wherein the pcs found that the zombies had to be hacked to pieces to disable them. The sole exception to this was that a decapitating strike seemed to work better than any other blow. Andrian bypassed the zombies and pursued Jolistina, garroting her and preventing her from ordering more zombies to attack. Eventually Andrian choked her out and it was only a matter of time until the zombies were cut down. After this the pcs had little trouble eliminating the few other pockets of zombies as they did not fight back until attacked. After defeating the zombies the pcs found and rescued the lord of the manor, Ausio Carowyn. Ausio was very upset and nearly hysterical after the pcs told him that they had to put down his wife. The pcs did not find Ruan and Jolistina had previously indicated that she had sent him to Rolth. The pcs question Jolistina and gain some new information specifically she sketches Rolth for them. Jolistina leads the pcs to the lair they already destroyed and though it seems he has been there Rolth is now long gone. The pcs then turn Jolistina over to the guard for trial and execution.

4709 Abadius 20th-23rd Korvosa

Pcs attempt to locate the young Varisian woman that keeps coming to the barracks complaining that no one is doing anything to locate her missing brother.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

4709 Abadius 19th Korvosa

Late PM
The pcs finally locate the boutique Lavendar's Luxurient Liniments. After a brief investigation and a false product endorsement the pcs come to the conclusion that the cure is a fraud. The pcs attempt to arrest Vendra Loaggri and a brief scuffle with her two body guards. Riley blasts Vendra with a lightning spell and she surrenders. The two guards cease fighting and ask to leave. The pcs led by Andrian refuse and tell them they are both under arrest. Toka stands between the two thugs and freedom so they attack her with their heavy chains. When she is knocked unconscious they threaten to finish her off if not they are not allowed to escape. One thug is attacked by Andrian and so the other beats Toka to a bloody unrecognisable pulp. As an influential member of the guard Andrian knows that what he says at their trial can guarantee that they hang or that they are simply whipped and released.

4709 Abadius 13th-18th Korvosa

The pc investigate rumors of a cure for the plague. Eventually they come up with a name and a shop. The purported author of a cure for the Bloodveil is one Vendra Loaggri at the perfume boutique known as "Lavender' Luxuriant Liniments".

4709 Abadius 12th Korvosa

The pcs attend Grau's private funeral. Because of his recent legal issues and the ongoing plague, Grau does not receive a full military funeral. The pcs give Grau's share of the vampire loot to his sister in law, Tayce Soldado. Tayce is overwhelmed with both grief and gratitude. The money provide for the family for the foreseeable future.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4708 Abadius 11th Korvosa

Late PM
The pcs arrive at Raker's Alley and a number of the piled plague victims stand up and attack! The undead creatures prove to be very resilient but are also very clumsy and slow. Eventually they are all hacked or blown to pieces. Riley discovers that head strikes kill them quickly. After the battle, the pcs are surprised by what appears to be vampires standing on top of nearby buildings. The vampires reveal that they have information that the Bloodveil disease is really Vorel's Legacy. The vampire offer an alliance against the people responsible for the plague. The pcs refuse the alliance and the vampires tell the pcs that they now know to much and must be silenced. Three more vampires appear and attack the party from the rear. A furious battle erupts and Grau is surrounded and slain, his throat ripped out. Using excellent tactics and a combination of sleep and turn undead, the pcs slay 5 of the vampires but one female escapes using her spider climb ability. The vampiress vows revenge.

4708 Abadius 8th-10th Korvosa

The pcs investigate the rumors of plague victims being dumped into alleys. They discover that most of such incidents occurred in Racker's Alley.

4708 Abadius 7th Korvosa

Late PM
With the help of the Bishop of Pharasma, Keppira d'Bear, the pcs locate the haunted funeral pyre. The pyre attacks and nearly kills Grau but timely healing from the two clerics keeps him on his feet. After a protracted battle the pcs manage to destroy the thing. After the battle the Bishop performs a ritual to prevent the undead amalgamate from returning to life.

4708 Abadius 2nd-6th Korvosa

The pcs are investigating the rumors of a haunted funeral pyre.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

4708 Abadius 1st Korvosa

Early AM

The pcs hear that there is a stand off between the Gray Maidens led by Sabina
Merrin and a mob of poor commoners from Old Korvosa. The Gray Maidens will not allow anyone to cross the bridges and they are burning the wooden bridges.

Late AM
The pcs had to Endrin Island to find out what is going on. Since they don't know where the confrontation is taking place they head to the large stone bridge. It turned out that the confrontation was taking place at the wooden bridges closest to the sea. The pcs arrived to late to stop violence and a number of commoners where killed in the confrontation. After the show of strength by Sabina and the Gray Maidens the commoners of Old Korvosa watch helplessly as the bridges are burned. The pcs are reluctant to provoke the Gray Maidens and so they can do little except warn the commoners.

As the last bridges are burned, the commoners of Old Korvosa gather at the stone bridge. Dung and small rocks are thrown but the Gray Maidens to not counter attack. As the sun begins to set the mob of commoners is attacked by something but the pcs do not know what it was. In the ensuing panic there is a stampede and a number of people are trampled.

4708 Kuthona 24th-30th Korvosa

As per Cressida's orders the pcs search for leads on issues related to the origins and dangers of the Bloodveil. The pcs discover the following leads in the following order.

Rumor says that here seemed to be no one on board the "Plague Ship" as it is now known.

There is a rumor that a splinter group of the Rat's Teat Boys are planning a war against humans while they are weakened by the plague.

There is a rumor that a perfumer has developed a cure for the Bloodveil.

There is a rumor that lazy corpse carters are dumping bodies in alleys instead of burning them as required. Normally lazy corpse carters dump bodies in the river but there are so many they are not even doing that.

The guards report that a young Varisian singer keeps coming the Citadel asking for help in finding her missing brother.

There is a rumor that one of the many piles of burning corpses in the Gray District is haunted and is found in a different place every morning.

4708 Kuthona 23rd Korvosa


As the pcs head towards home they notice a large crowd around the temple-bank of Abadar. It seems that a crowd of people with the Bloodveil have gathered to ask to be cured. Most of them are too poor to pay the cost of the ritual. Ishani sees the pcs and asks to be taken to see Cressia. In order to "pay" the pcs Ishani heals one of the afflicted poor per pc. This nearly touches off a riot which is only prevented because priests on the roof have crossbows leveled at the crowd.

Late AM

The pcs take Ishani to Cressida and he voices his concerns that the city is facing an epidemic. Cressida is unsure of what to do until Brunt suggests a quarantine and Riley suggests burning the bridges to old Korvosa where the disease is spreading the fastest. Cressida agrees to pass the idea along to the queen. Then Cressida delivers a speech to the Korvosan Guard, representatives of Sable Company and the Hellknights, and the newly introduced "Gray Maidens".

In this speech she reveals that the queen has formed an organization called the Queen physicians lead by her own personal physician Dr. Davaulus. The Guards are told to protect and render assistance to the Queen's Physicians. Cressida also reads a proclamation from the queen. After her speech Cressida tells Andrian that he is exempted from guard duty for the Queen's Physicians and is instead asked to investigate the Bloodveil. She gives Andrian one of the special "bird" masks used by the Queen's Physicians. Cressida claims that the masks prevent the wearer from contracting the Bloodveil.

4708 Kuthona 22nd Korvosa

Early AM

An aggressivebeggar with the Bloodveil coughs on Riley.

Late PM

Riley wakes in the late afternoon and seems to have contracted the Bloodveil. Brunt heals him.

4708 Kuthona 21st Korvosa

Late PM

Grau visits the pcs and asks them to help his niece Brienna.

Brunt heals Brienna and saves her from a new disease that her mother, Tayce, coincidentally names "Bloodveil". Tayce is overwhelmed with gratitude to Brunt and this is also extended to Andrian when she is told that Andrian paid for the special healing herbs needed for the ritual. Tayce cooks the pcs a special meal to show her gratitude. During the meal the pcs discover that Brienna found a wooden coffer filled with (mostly) copper coins from Riddleport. They also meet a priest of Abadar named Ishani Dhatri an immigrant from Vudran.

After a glass of barley wine the priest reveals his frustration over his his order's rules against uncompensated charity work. It seems Ishani is a little jealous of the fact that Brunt has saved his patient as well as a little envious of the adoration Brunt has received for doing it.

Very late PM

The pcs report what they have to Cressida's guards. They promise to tell her in the morning.

4708 Kuthona 20th Korvosa

Nothing of note happens this day.

4708 Kuthona 19th Korvosa

The pcs hear more about the ship sinking the previous night but there is little they do not already know.

After sleeping most of the day they return to the Academae to get the response to their questions about doppleganger. Most of the information they already knew. The one interesting fact is that an adult doppleganger cannot duplicate a small person like a gnome or a halfling. The tiefling guard also reveals that he believes that Varisia used to owned by his people and that thousands of years ago pureblood tieflings were said to have red eyes, red skin, and big horns.

4708 Kuthona 18th Korvosa

Just after midnight

The pcs decide to investigate the firing of the trebuchet first and then return to the Academae later. They find out that a black sailed pirate ship with yellow light was fired on and sank in the river when it failed respond. No one was seen on decks.

Very early AM
The pcs drop off a list of questions about dopplegangers at the Academae.

4708 Kuthona 17th Korvosa

Early AM

As the pcs go off duty a child delivers a note that from Xanesha that indicates that she is the one that kidnapped Neolandus Kalepopelus. She indicates that she will contact the pcs at a later time about a ransom.

Just before midnight

As the pcs proceed towards the Academae Brunt sees a flaming trebuchet missile fly through the air in the east. They decided to look into this right away.

4708 Kuthona 16th Korvosa

very late PM

Andrian sneaks off in disguise to see Vencarlo and Trinia. He finds out that Vencarlo has heard rumors that Neolandus Kalepopelus was seen being dragged around by two large men. Trinia sends her deck with Andrian so that Riley can draw from her deck.

4708 Kuthona 9th-15th Korvosa

The pcs are on night watch duty and all is calm. Andrian buys himself new armor from the armory.

4708 Kuthona 8th Korvosa

Early AM

Andrian dream that they need to have each pc draw a harrow card from either himself or Trinia. Andrian, Carufinwe and Brunt draw from Andrian's deck. Riley decides to wait and draw from Trinia's deck.

Late AM
Verik Vancaskerkin begs the pcs to help a friend of his out of a drunken depression caused by the accidental killing of a child.

Early PM
The pcs manage to convince Grau to go back to the guard. Brunt uses redemtion through the child's family and faith. Riley lets Grau believe that he is his own father Thurmon. Andrian uses his rank and berates Grau out of his self pity.

4708 Kuthona 7th Korvosa


Queen Ileosa makes a speech to her captains and reveals that Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopalus has been kidnapped right out of the castle. For this reason she announces the formation of an all female guard force answerable only to herself, Field Marshal Croft, and Sabina Merrin. The pcs attempt to snoop around the Seneschal's room without orders and are reprimanded by Cressida.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

new harrow draw

Now that we are in the next module either Andrian or Trinia (you choose) will have a dream that they need to have each party member select a harrow card randomly. The cards will all be of the shields suit. Please pick one from the below. Doing so earns you one harrow point. Of course you are under no obligation to take part.

Harrow cards this Adventure:
The trumpet, the survivor, the desert, the sickness, the wax works, the brass dwarf, the teamster, the mountain man, or the tangled briar.

In a single particular encounter this card will give the chooser the following benefits (assuming you still have at least one unspent harrow point).
1. +2 on any constitution based d20 roll (no cost but must have one unspent harrow point)
2. on a short rest you heal 1hp/level regardless of surges (costs one harrow point, can spend as many as desired)
3. gain damage reduction 1+base con modifier damage reduction for one encounter (costs one harrow point)

Old Harrow Rules for the Crimson Throne path that still apply to Pathfinder #8
Pcs can spend harrow points as follows:
1. They can be used as action points (still only 1 action point usable per encounter).
2. They can be used to modify any d20 on a 1 for 1 basis after the die is rolled. They can be used to add or subtract from a d20 roll up to +2 or -2 (does not stack with DM's friend modifier but can off set it).

scroll written in dwarven runes that accompanies Shalelu's letter

In Radruundar does lrontooth lay,
The fierce axe upon his breast.
To Radruundar you must away
To see Irontooth at his rest.

Your road under frigid waters lies,
Walk toward the sunrise on the waves
To the cascade that hides from prying eyes
The gate to the forgotten enclaves.

In and adroit turn
Through a portal of stone
Now sinister go, others spurn
Portals twice more, one unknown.

On a friend, or two, you must depend
To make a pair switch places
And make your chamber rise or descend;
The friend rejoins if the chamber he outpaces.

Chamber comes to rest,
Now watch the floor.
The exit sunward is best,
Shun any other door.

Now let your left hand guide
As you go forth,
But keep to the full and wide.
At the crossing, go north.

Now follow right, you are bidden.
The first false, beware.
The second, yours, hidden.
The third leads you nowhere.

Another door,
The chamber descends
As the one before.
The final test impends.

Left you go once more.
Then right and right again.
Spurn the door,
And straight on maintain.

Passage's end.
Take the open way.
The door ahead is your friend,
Now see the water play.

The portals you see there,
Yield to the strong.
Now beware,
Only the foolish go headlong.

Five guardians to pass,
The right penitence makes each
As gentle as a lass.
These to you I teach:

The first, a hammer's oration.
The next, an ode to dwarven fame:
Look upon the dwarves, Torag’'s creation.
The third, the precursor to a flame.
The fourth an ode to dwarven dedication:
The dwarves shall endure, you must exclaim!
The fifth a peaceful demonstration.

Now echoes in a lofty hall.
Take the Keeper's path,
He is not least, but last,
Along the statued wall.

A nod from the explorer
Reveals the keeper's second secret.
Then if to the guardian you would defer
And pass without regret,
Turn right, traveler,
And wrap perfection in an earthen blanket.

The smith's art,
A hammer's song
Moves the steward to impart
What has lain hidden so long.

letter in elvish from Shalelu

The following letter is written in elvish script and was delivered by an elven messenger (probably a forlorn) from the elven Enclave in Korvosa.

Carufinwe Beloved Son,

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been many weeks since we last spoke at Sandpoint. Away from humans, I tend to lose the habit of keeping track of days, but rest assured that I wrote you as soon as I found an elven courier to pass the message along. If you are still in Sandpoint then you should have this missive in a few days time. In any case, at the time of this writing, I am well and my mission from the Winter Council proceeds apace. I have even been so fortunate as to have been joined to my spirit companion. She is a young firepelt just out of her mother’s den and is growing like a weed. Among her kind she is known as “Sunstripe” for the vivid red-orange of her fur. I know that part of the reason I feel so attached to Sunstripe is that she fills the void left by our parting. I hope that things go well for you as well. I hope your archery skills continue to wax as I see much potential in you, and no, this is not just a mother’s bias for her progeny. I hope that one day, when you have proven yourself, you can join me in service to the Winter Council.

Be that as it may, the real need that allowed me to tap into our courier system is your dwarven companion, Bruntalmar Battlehorn. Many weeks ago we discussed one of the lost Kingdoms of his people; Radruundar. Please let him know that I believe I have finally found it. As I suspected it is in the Fogscar Mountain range. More specifically it is south of the Spire of Leniriss but far enough east and north that the Churlwood is still visible from its slopes. However it appears I may have found Radruundar too late. From the bodies I found near the causeway and around the gate there was a fair sized battle between Bruntalmar’s people and the goblins only a few days before my arrival. It appears that the dwarves got the better of the goblins and managed to fight their way into Radruundar. But as I warned your dwarven companion, the goblins in the Churlwood and Fogscar area are on the march and it appears that they are rallying at Radruundar and are forming some sort of a grand army. Apparently after the dwarves of Janderhoff fought their way in another tribe of goblins arrived and closed the exit against them. So many arrows greeted my arrival that I was forced to flee before I could make contact with the dwarves. I did manage to capture one of the miserable creatures during my escape as the goblins require many hunters to feed the horde that gathers at Radruundar. It took only a little “persuasion” to convince the goblin to tell me all he knew. Apparently the goblins are convinced that one of their ancient overlords is risen from the dead and is commanding them to form an army of conquest to “return Varisia to its rightful owners.” Use your discretion as to where and when to share this information with Bruntalmar. I fear that entering Radruundar would be near suicide for the mightiest warriors of the age and I council discretion. The Janderhoff dwarves are doughty fighters but they may already have perished by the time this letter arrives. In any case I will find you as soon as I may and we will decide what should be done.

With love,
Shalelu Andosana

PS I have included a scroll written in dwarven runes. I found one like this on each of the slain dwarves. From my brief search I believe that they all carried an identical copy though, since I can't read them, I cannot be sure.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

4708 Kuthona 6th Korvosa

Late AM

The pcs are summoned to Eel's End by Devargo Barvasi. He claimed to have been visited by two friends of the pcs.

It ends up that the two "friends" of the pcs that visited him are Gaedren Lamm and Xanesha. Xanesha asked many questions about the pcs and departed. Gaedren Lamm is now a talking head animated by the necromancer Ralth. Gaedren tells a lengthy story about someone known as Yara Porpheria. The implication of the story is that Andrian MAY be the son of Yara Porpheria who is the older half brother of King Chadris Porpheria. Therefore Andrian MAY have a legitimate claim to the Crimson Throne. Devargo attempts blackmail but the pcs refuse to pay and quickly leave.

4708 Kuthona 4th-6th Korvosa

The pcs enjoy some well deserved rest. The queen rewards them for their service during the riots with a magic horn. Also the pcs are promoted to the new position of the "Night Watch".

All the pcs now have the rank of Sergent-at-arms except Andrian who is now knighted as captain of the Nightwatch. The pcs now out-rank any member of the Korvosan Guard, below the rank of captain, after sunset.

4708 Kuthona 3rd Korvosa

Early PM
While the house to houe search for Trinia Sabor goes on, she is tried in absentia and sentenced to death. After the trial Queen Ileosa reveals that she is pregnant with the rightful heir to the Crimson Throne. She also says that she will take the name "Queen Regent" instead of Queen to molify those that do not wish to be ruled by a foriegn queen.

4708 Kuthona 2nd Korvosa

Late AM
Just as Andrian is closing in on Trinia Sabor's whereabouts, the pcs receive an emergency summons to Cressida. Ironically Cressida tells the pcs that an internal investigation has discovered evidence that the king was murdered just as the pcs predicted. Even more ironically the suspect is the very Trinia Sabor that pcs were searching for. The pcs find Trinia at the home of friend and they give chase. Brunt falls behind and climbs down to the street level.

An angry mob notices Brunt's pursuit follows him and joins the chase. Despite Trinia's knowledge of the Shingles, wolf pack tactics bring her to bay. Riley takes her down with a sleep spell.

Early PM
After a great deal of indecision the pcs decide NOT to turn Trinia over to Cressida.

Instead they decide to take her to Vencarlo. On the way there the pcs are confronted by the legendary Blackjack. He threatens to kill them if they do not throw down their weapons and free Trinia. Blackjack also calls them "Queen's Men" and uses this as an insult.

When they refuse Blackjack attempts to slap Andrian with the flat of his blade. With surprising skill Andrian parries. Trinia ends the conflict by telling Blackjack that the pcs are helping her. Blackjack takes Trinia to Vencarlo's fencing school and leaves saying that he will fetch Vencarlo. Vencarlo offers to hide Trinia in the many secret rooms of his fencing academy.

4708 Neth 29th-Kuthona 1st Korvosa

In their off time Andrian asks Cressida Kroft if she knows any artists. The Field Marshal mentions the deceased King's portrait artist,Trinia Sabor. Andrian searches for her but her apartment was abandoned and ransacked. Andrian continues to find leads to her where abouts.

4708 Neth 28th Korvosa

The pcs spend the day waiting in ambush outside Korvosa for Xanesha and her doppelganger agents. A small group of Cowhammer Boys bring a note from Xanesha that says, "nice try".

4708 Neth 27th Korvosa

After Sunset
Andrian, Bruntalmar, and Toka enter All the World's Meats at night and find the four guardsmen butchering humans as if they were farm animals.

The four guardsmen refuse to be taken alive and are cut down. The butcher shop is quickly looted and then set on fire. A fortuitous rainfall prevents the blaze from spreading.

Late PM
The pcs decide to leave Korvosa at sunrise in order to set a trap for Xanesha and her doppelganger minions.

4708 Neth 26th

Sunrise until a couple of hours after sunset

After hearing rumors about missing persons Andrian stakes out All the World's Meats.

He sees a leg sticking out from under a tarp and realizes the Cow Hammer Boys have been giving out free human meat.

Andrian level 7

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Andrian Constantine, level 7
Human, Rogue
Build: Brawny Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Brutal Scoundrel

Str 15, Con 10, Dex 19, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13.

Str 14, Con 10, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13.

AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 21 Will: 16
HP: 52 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 13

Streetwise +9, Stealth +15, Thievery +12, Perception +9, Intimidate +9, Insight +9, Acrobatics +12

Arcana +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +3, Heal +4, History +3, Nature +4, Religion +3, Athletics +6

Human: Backstabber
Level 1: Improved Initiative
Level 2: Nimble Blade
Level 4: Alchemist
Level 6: Slaying Action

Rogue at-will 1: Piercing Strike
Rogue at-will 1: Deft Strike
Bonus At-Will Power: Riposte Strike
Rogue daily 1: Trick Strike
Rogue daily 5: Deep Cut
Rogue encounter 1: Dazing Strike
Rogue encounter 3: Bait and Switch
Rogue encounter 7: Rogue's Luck
Rogue utility 2: Fleeting Ghost
Rogue utility 6: Ignoble Escape

Adventurer's Kit, Sylvan Leather Armor +1, Dagger (2), Shuriken (2), Hand Crossbow, Magic Dagger +2, Crossbow Bolts (60), Cape of the Mountebank +1, Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2), Flaying Gloves (heroic tier), Magic Dagger +1, Climber's Kit, Ritual Book, Thieves' Tools, Alchemist's Fire (level 6) (2), Bloodstinger Poison (level 3) (10), Blastpatch (level 4) (2), Blinding Bomb (level 3) (2), Tanglefoot Bag (level 2) (2), Dress Clothes, Pseudodragon Amulet
Alchemist's Fire, Tanglefoot Bag, Blinding Bomb, Bloodstinger Poison, Blastpatch, Ghoststrike Oil
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ===

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

4708 Neth 25th Korvosa

AM after sunrise:
The pcs head to the All the World's Meats as per Cressida's directions. On the way a mentally deranged prophet of Pharasma latches onto Brunt as the "Chosen One" and Brunt converts him to the worship of Torag. A few minutes later two otyughs escape the sewers and attack the pcs. The deranged prophet throws his body into the smaller otyugh's mouth to save Brunt. The two aberrations are quickly slain.

Late AM:
The pcs arrive at All the World's Meats and speak with two guards. Andrian uses the fear of the Hellknights go get the guards to fetch Verik Vancaskerkin. After a lengthy conversation Riley manages to convince Verik to turn himself in. The pcs swear to travel to Riddleport and give Verik's father news of Orik and Verik himself.

Early PM:
With the Cowhammer Boys serving as an escort, the pcs deliver Verik to Cressida Kroft. Andrian convinces Cressida to make "All the World's Meats" as a guard outpost run by the 4 remaining guards assisted by the Cowhammer Boys. The pcs run and catch up with the Cowhammer Boys and give them the good news.