The pcs return to Zellara's house to sleep for the night. Early in the AM the Andrian and Brunt return to Castle Korvosa to return the Queen's stolen brooch. Riley, Carufinwe, and Toka remain at Zellara's house.
Early PM
Andrian and Brunt are in the front of the line and after explaining the reason for their visit they are allowed in to see the King Eodred Arabasti II and Queen Ileosa.

After a lengthy audience with the King the pcs are given the award of 1,200gp and a suit of dwarven armor and a huge spiked adamantine hammer. The two pcs are left with the Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis to discuss "Vorel's Legacy". The Seneschal agrees to warn the Cerulean Society about this new weapon possessed by the Red Mantis and he then passes Andrian and Brunt to Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. The Field Marshal gives the pcs an assignment as per the king's orders. All 4 pcs travel to meet with the shaman of the Skoan Quah Thousand-Bones.

There the PCs learn that 1,000bones' grandson Gaekhen was slain by an angry mob and that in order to prevent a war the pcs must recover the body from the Gray District.
The pcs enter a broken mausoleum and follow a stair case into a cavern complex. The pcs are attacked from two sides by skeletons animated from an ossurary and they easily slay 25 skeletons. Then pcs simultaneously attack two groups of elite goblins, one group of commandoes and a group of archers.

Despite being out numbered the pcs manage to easily defeat goblins due to Andrian's stealth and Brunt's new armor. After allying with the 4 remaining goblins the pcs determine that there is an otyugh nearby and it proves to have the legs and waist of Gaekhen the Shoanti.

The pcs battle the otyugh and slay it with little difficulty. The pcs then by pass a necomantic skull trap and battle a powerfully muscled goblin weilding a battle-axe and his two pet stirges. All three are quickly dispatched. Led by the goblins the pcs confront the dreaded Cabbage-head. This creature appears to be an ogre with misshaped head.

Andrian surprises Cabbage-head and Riley uses a spell to knock it into one of the prison-pits. The ogre falls into the pit crushes a helpless shopkeeper. The ogre battles the pcs with only his head and shoulders above the pit. The creature nearly kills Andrian but cannot stand before the combined power of the adventurers. Andrian finally slays it by punching a dagger into the small brain.
After finding a collapsed tunnel the pcs locate a huge patchwork zombie locked in a storage closet they had previously bypassed. The creature is missing most of one arm and when it sees the pcs it scoops up an arm covered with blue tatooes and attacks using the arm as a club. The creature is no match for the combined might of the party.
Then the pcs enter a room used to animate undead and golems. Bruntalmar attempts to coup des gras a patchwork creature laying on the table but only angers it. At first it appears the patchwork zombie is too much for the pcs but a few telling blows from
Andrian and Carufinwe disable the creature and it soon falls apart. Brunt points out that the head carries a scar under one eye as should the head of Gaekhen according to the description provided by 1,000 Bones.
Then the pcs pass through what appears to be the subterranean bedroom of the arch-necromancer Ralth. Brunt uses divine magic to destroy a female zombie that appears to have been the concubine of the deranged necromancer. Lastly the pcs finally encounter Vreeg the goblin leader and apprentice to the dreaded Ralth. The goblin is apparently adding Gaeken's severed arm to a pile of animated limbs created through the use of vile necromancy.

Bruntalmar blocks the crawling pile of animate limbs and defeats it with the aid of the other pcs. Andrian battles the goblin wizard Vreeg and easily defeats him despite the blinding magic used by Vreeg.
late PM
The pcs gather the pieces of Gaekhen and loot Rolth's lair. First they drop off the loot to Zellara's house. This includes an extensive necromantic library and a full set of surgical equipment. Then they return Gaekhen's body to 1,000 Bones. 1,000 Bones thanks the pcs and tells them that if there is ever a conflict between the Shoanti and Korvosa again they should seek him out. After all this the pcs decide to attempt to return to Cressida to tell her of their success and to turn Vreeg over to her but by now it is past midnight.