Early AM
The pcs hear that there is a stand off between the Gray Maidens led by Sabina
Merrin and a mob of poor commoners from Old Korvosa. The Gray Maidens will not allow anyone to cross the bridges and they are burning the wooden bridges.
Late AM
The pcs had to Endrin Island to find out what is going on. Since they don't know where the confrontation is taking place they head to the large stone bridge. It turned out that the confrontation was taking place at the wooden bridges closest to the sea. The pcs arrived to late to stop violence and a number of commoners where killed in the confrontation. After the show of strength by Sabina and the Gray Maidens the commoners of Old Korvosa watch helplessly as the bridges are burned. The pcs are reluctant to provoke the Gray Maidens and so they can do little except warn the commoners.
As the last bridges are burned, the commoners of Old Korvosa gather at the stone bridge. Dung and small rocks are thrown but the Gray Maidens to not counter attack. As the sun begins to set the mob of commoners is attacked by something but the pcs do not know what it was. In the ensuing panic there is a stampede and a number of people are trampled.