Saturday, July 25, 2009

4709 Abadius 19th Korvosa

Late PM
The pcs finally locate the boutique Lavendar's Luxurient Liniments. After a brief investigation and a false product endorsement the pcs come to the conclusion that the cure is a fraud. The pcs attempt to arrest Vendra Loaggri and a brief scuffle with her two body guards. Riley blasts Vendra with a lightning spell and she surrenders. The two guards cease fighting and ask to leave. The pcs led by Andrian refuse and tell them they are both under arrest. Toka stands between the two thugs and freedom so they attack her with their heavy chains. When she is knocked unconscious they threaten to finish her off if not they are not allowed to escape. One thug is attacked by Andrian and so the other beats Toka to a bloody unrecognisable pulp. As an influential member of the guard Andrian knows that what he says at their trial can guarantee that they hang or that they are simply whipped and released.

4709 Abadius 13th-18th Korvosa

The pc investigate rumors of a cure for the plague. Eventually they come up with a name and a shop. The purported author of a cure for the Bloodveil is one Vendra Loaggri at the perfume boutique known as "Lavender' Luxuriant Liniments".

4709 Abadius 12th Korvosa

The pcs attend Grau's private funeral. Because of his recent legal issues and the ongoing plague, Grau does not receive a full military funeral. The pcs give Grau's share of the vampire loot to his sister in law, Tayce Soldado. Tayce is overwhelmed with both grief and gratitude. The money provide for the family for the foreseeable future.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4708 Abadius 11th Korvosa

Late PM
The pcs arrive at Raker's Alley and a number of the piled plague victims stand up and attack! The undead creatures prove to be very resilient but are also very clumsy and slow. Eventually they are all hacked or blown to pieces. Riley discovers that head strikes kill them quickly. After the battle, the pcs are surprised by what appears to be vampires standing on top of nearby buildings. The vampires reveal that they have information that the Bloodveil disease is really Vorel's Legacy. The vampire offer an alliance against the people responsible for the plague. The pcs refuse the alliance and the vampires tell the pcs that they now know to much and must be silenced. Three more vampires appear and attack the party from the rear. A furious battle erupts and Grau is surrounded and slain, his throat ripped out. Using excellent tactics and a combination of sleep and turn undead, the pcs slay 5 of the vampires but one female escapes using her spider climb ability. The vampiress vows revenge.

4708 Abadius 8th-10th Korvosa

The pcs investigate the rumors of plague victims being dumped into alleys. They discover that most of such incidents occurred in Racker's Alley.

4708 Abadius 7th Korvosa

Late PM
With the help of the Bishop of Pharasma, Keppira d'Bear, the pcs locate the haunted funeral pyre. The pyre attacks and nearly kills Grau but timely healing from the two clerics keeps him on his feet. After a protracted battle the pcs manage to destroy the thing. After the battle the Bishop performs a ritual to prevent the undead amalgamate from returning to life.

4708 Abadius 2nd-6th Korvosa

The pcs are investigating the rumors of a haunted funeral pyre.