Late PM
The pcs finally locate the boutique Lavendar's Luxurient Liniments. After a brief investigation and a false product endorsement the pcs come to the conclusion that the cure is a fraud. The pcs attempt to arrest Vendra Loaggri and a brief scuffle with her two body guards. Riley blasts Vendra with a lightning spell and she surrenders. The two guards cease fighting and ask to leave. The pcs led by Andrian refuse and tell them they are both under arrest. Toka stands between the two thugs and freedom so they attack her with their heavy chains. When she is knocked unconscious they threaten to finish her off if not they are not allowed to escape. One thug is attacked by Andrian and so the other beats Toka to a bloody unrecognisable pulp. As an influential member of the guard Andrian knows that what he says at their trial can guarantee that they hang or that they are simply whipped and released.