The pcs decide to investigate the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. There they find only a hand full of plague victims waiting to be admitted. Andrian tells the burly nurse receptionist that he is here to visit a sick friend but when asked to wait for permission the pcs simply enter uninvited. The nurse attracts the attention of a half dozen of the raven-masked Queen's Physicians. After a brief discussion the doctors tell the pcs that they will send for their leader Dr. Davaulus. Meanwhile Carufinwe notices Gray Maidens patrolling a catwalk near the ceiling.

Instead of waiting Andrian dodges past the blocking doctors and darts for the nearby door. The doctors seemed very upset by this and shout that they are under attack and a battle begins. There follows a protracted battle wherein the doctors reveal that they have magical powers including healing abilities.

Early in the battle a doctor escapes the melee and flees downstairs shouting a warning all the way. The Gray Maidens leap down from the catwalk and enter the melee and Riley teleports to the catwalk and is pursued by a single gray maiden. Riley's thunder spell slays three innocent bed-ridden plague victims. The Gray Maidens and the Queen's Physicians fight well but are eventually overwhelmed by the superior skills of the pcs. After the battle ends the corpses of the Gray Maidens are found to be female-shaped mannequin-like golems made of wood, stone, and metal. The pcs hear shouts of warning and anger from the basement level.
Late PM
The pcs search and discover an elevator that ascends to the catwalk and descends to the basement level. Apparently the escaped Queen's physician used the elevator to lower himself to the dungeon level. As Andrian watches the elevator rope is cut denying easy access to the basement. As the pcs search the warehouse for secret doors and discuss their options a contingent of the day guard arrives. Spying a dozen corpses and the pcs with naked weapons and covered with blood they take the pcs to be the aggressors if not out and out murderers. The pcs are taken to Cressida Kroft where they attempt to convince her of their innocence. Cressida is unconvinced but isn't sure what to believe. She tells the pcs that she cannot assist them but she releases them so they can attempt to prove their innocence.
The pcs return to the warehouse and repel 40 feet down to the dungeon level. As soon as the pcs exit the elevator shaft they are attacked by eight plague zombies. The zombies are quickly dispatched but two of the Queen's physicians shout the alarm. A few moments later the pcs are confronted by the dreaded Dr. Devaulus and her apparent accomplice Lady Andaisin.

Lady Andaisin tells the pcs to drop their weapons and surrender but instead they attack her. The surprise attack is very effective and Lady Andaisin is forced to retreat and seek healing from her acolytes in the next room. She returns to fray unwounded and the pcs begin to lose hope. As the pcs attack Dr. Devaulus to the front they are attacked from the left flank by the infamous necromancer Rolth. A powerful vampire stands near Rolth but he seems to be biding his time. At first the pcs seemed to be outmatched and doomed but Andrian blows his magic horn and the mighty Black comes to their rescue. Rolth lays down a spell barrage they keeps the pcs off balance but with Blackjack's assistance Lady Andaisin and Dr. Devaulus are fighting for their lives. Then the bishop of Pharasma, Keppira d'Bear, arrives and the tide of battle swings to the pc's favor. First Dr. Devaulus is slain then Lady Andasin. The vampire decides to flee and Rolth soon follows but is pursued by Bruntalmar.

When Rolth reaches the door to the next room he turns to fight with ten of the queen's physicians at his back. Rolth's spell barrage begins to take a toll on the pcs and the Queen's physicians heal Rolth before he can take any serious harm. Blackjack attempts to flank Rolth but then is himself surrounded by the Queen's physicians. Rolth creates a field of necrotic magic in front of him and the pcs decide to retreat. The pcs climb up the rope to the ground level. Blackjack and Keppira fend off Rolth giving the pcs time to escape and then they escape as well. Rolth attempts to pursue the pcs by climbing the rope but as he nears the top Andrian cuts the line and Rolth falls almost 40 feet. Rolth pulls himself up and vows vengeance against the pcs.