Blackjack visits the pcs just before dawn as they are preparing to go to bed. Blackjack tells the pcs that Trinia Sabor disappeared while investigating the whereabouts of a friend named Salvatore Scream who may have been connected with the staged abduction of Neolandus Kaleopopulus. The pcs meet with Vencarlo at Blackjack's request and discuss the matter.
The pcs return to Endrin Island and are escorted by a mob to the "palace" of Pilts Swindel. The pcs convince the "Emperor" to let them see Salvatore Scream but he insists that pcs must win a game of Bloodpig before he will allow them to see his artist. Then the pcs defeat Pilts Swastel's team the "Bloodblades" in a 5 to zero shut out.

"Emperor" Swastil then attempt to sway the crowd into forcing the pcs to play best two out of 3 but Riley, with coaching from Andrian, turns the crowd to their favor. With little to no choice Pilts allows the pcs to see Salvatore Scream. The pcs discover that Salvatore Scream does indeed know what happened to Neolandus Kaleopopulus. Apparently Salvatore asked the royal Arkona family to hide the Seneschal and Neolandus has not been heard from since. The pcs also discover that Salvatore's art has suffered since his "muse" and the nightmares have left him. And Salvatore begs the pcs to rescue him from Pilts Swastel.