The pcs return to their barracks for some well deserved rest.
Very early PM
The pcs return to Endrin Island to the Arkona palace and request an audience with Glorio Arkona. After waiting a few hours the pcs meet with Glorio himself. With much innuendo it becomes apparent that Glorio bears the queen little loyalty and he despises Pilts Swastel. He also eventually admits to holding both Neolandus and Trinia in his dungeon. With some convincing from the pcs and oaths that satisfy him Glorio agrees to let the pcs rescue Trinia and Neolandus from his dungeon. Glorio warns the pcs of traps and that the dungeon sits on a rotating platform. He also mentions that monsters occasionally try to make their home there as well. Glorio and his majordomo escort the pcs to the dungeon entrance and send them on their way.
The pcs find that the dungeon dead ends and that they are unable to progress any further without utilizing a lever that activates the "rotating" feature of this dungeon. After some experimentation and after defeating a few arcane sigil traps the pcs figure out how to navigate the dungeon. The pcs then find the objects of their quest Neolandus and Trinia. They are guarded by a powerful Sphinx but the pcs easily overcome the beast after Andrian uses a magical garrote to knock the creature out. While the creature is unconcious the pcs surround it and cut it down. As the pcs attempt to exit the dungeon they are confronted by a creature named Vimanda appearing as a drow that claims to be both the sister and wife of Glorio whose real name seems to be Bahor. The pcs are offered a choice of allying with Vimanda or fighting her to the death. Bruntalmar pierces Vimanda's illusion and sees her for the panther-woman she really is.

After a vigorous debate the pcs choose to ally with Vimanda against Bahor. Vimanda leads the pcs through the Arkona's mansion and a half dozen of their retainers join them and shift to their true forms at Vimanda's command. All seem to be rakshasas with human-like bodies but backwards hands and animal heads. Vimanda confronts Bahor in the garden and the battle is joined.

Despite Bahor's great magical might he soon falls before the combined power of the pcs lead by Vimanda. Impressed with the pcs prowess and weakened herself Vimanda fullfills her agreement and gives what could be argued is half the wealth in the Arkona's treaure room. It helps the pcs that it is at this time that Blackjack reveals his presence by dropping out of the trees and indicating he stands by them. Vimanda also offers to smuggle the pcs out of Korvosa aboard a Cerulean Society supply ship but threatens the pcs with death should they speak of what they know about the Arkona family.
Very Late PM
The pcs board a smuggler's ship bound for Veldraine and finally leave Korvosa behind them.