The pcs enter the camp of the Lyrune Quah near the House of the Moon. The pcs are approached by a group of distrustful female guardians known as the the Moon Maidens. When their leader Tekra'Kai spies the mark on Andrian's left hand she immediately declares that the pcs have been sent by Desna to rescue them from the deadly red reaver. The pcs quickly organize an assault and lead some two score Moon Maidens in an attack on the creature. At first it seems that even with the pcs assistance the monster will overwhelm them all. Then Riley casts a spell upon the red reaver that makes it fall to the ground in a death like trance. The allies fall upon the creature inflicting horrific wounds and eventually the Moon Maidens stab the creature in the eyes driving their spears deep into its brain and it dies. The Moon Maidens thank the pcs profusely for their assistance and it soon becomes apparent that Riley is now an object of awe and fear to them.