Very late PM Gozran 3rd
The Sun Shaman holds a council with pcs and tells them the history of the Crown of Fangs. Apparently the Crown of Fangs are formed from the teeth of a mighty blue dragon by the name of Kazavon. Kazavon was a mighty warlord-tyrant in the service of the god Zon-Kuthon. Kazavon crushed every army sent against him and seemed invincible. The a mighty hero by the name of Mandraivus took up the great sword Serithial and organized a band of powerful allies. Mandraivus wisely sought to slay Kazavon without facing his army. One of his allies was the Sun Shaman of the Sklyar Quah. The dragon was slain but his body tried to regenerate itself. In order to prevent this the creatures corpse was burned and dismembered. Mandraivus asked each of the surviving allies take a piece of Kazavon away with them so that the dragon could not reform. The Sun Shaman left with an armful of the creature's teeth and formed it into a crown which was hidden away in the deep recesses of the Skylar Quah's pyramid. Then the Chelaxians arrived and stole the Shoanti's land and built their castle atop the great pyramid and there the queen must have found it.
Very Early AM Gozran 4th
After the council was completed the Sun Shaman called for a feast and dancing to celebrate Qual Keck's great feat. After a couple of hours of celebration the Skylar Quah encampment was attacked by a small army made up of Red Mantis assassins and their mercenary gargoyle allies. It was dark and their was much chaos as the Red Mantis set fire to tents and slew indescriminately. The pcs had a difficult time with the gargoyles because as soon as they wounded one the creature would turn to stone and would begin to regenerate its injuries.

Soon their the pcs were surrounded by gargoyles in stone form while wave after wave assaulted the camp. The legendary Cinderlander fired on the pcs from the safety of his flying gargoyle ally. However even this could not save him from the dagger of Andrian and the bow of Carufinwe and he was soon slain. Then just as the fight was seeming to teeter in favor of the Red Mantis, the dreaded assassin captain Cinnabar challenged Andrian to a duel. Seemingly outmatched Andrian managed to defeat the renowned Cinnabar through a combination of cunning and luck. With Cinnabar dead the Mantis assassins fled and thus the Skylar Quah were able to fall upon the inert gargoyles and smash them to bits. The Skylar Quah took heavy losses but the tribe won and avoided a near annihilation.