After a long rest the pcs reenter Scarwall and again everything is strangely quiet. The pcs retraced their steps and met no opposition at first. After some searching the pcs found the 2nd floor area above the main gate keep where the murder holes are manned. The pcs found four giant minotaurs skeletons in the barracks and engaged them in battle.

While the thus occupied the pcs were attack on their flank on the stair side by two great undead humanoids with huge claws.

A quick firewall spell by Riley sent the two mighty creatures in full retreat. After a brief search the pcs then found stairs leading to the third floor. The pcs opened a small room and discovered a spiky devil standing guard near a gong. Before the pcs could slay it the creature rang the gong and the pcs were surrounded by gargoyles and another spiky devil. Just as pcs were gaining control of this situation the boneclaws returned and attacked the unprotected flank still on the 2nd floor.

Trinia Sabor was very nearly slain but luck and a timely rescue by Andrian spared her a gruesome death.

With Andrian's leadership the pcs won this three fronted battle with some difficulty. The pcs then rested and gathered their strength to push on exploring the third floor of Scarwall.
The pcs searched the third floor and eventually found a number of small towers and one large tower. In the large tower the pcs found a large bed and a small throne. Riley cast a spell of magic detection and found that there were magic items buried in the mattress. When the mattress was ripped open a great quantity of coins was discover with the few magic items. As the pcs were pocketing the treasure a voice from the ceiling encouraged their greed while threatening their lives. A few moments later a huge ice devil by the name of Nihil and her two spiked devil henchmen dropped from the upper level of the tower and attacked Bruntalmar. A furious battle broke out wherein Nihil used her frost spear to stab at the pcs over the heads of her spiny assistants while invisible imps appeared at the party's rear and attacked.

The imps were no match for the pcs but bought the other devils time. At first it seemed that the devils might win the day but then Shadowcount Sial cast a barrier blade wall that slashed away at the devil's feet. With nowhere to retreat the devils were forced to fight within the deadly blades. With the imps slain Nihil was soon left alone and outnumbered and was therefore quickly slain. A single imp surrendered to Shadowcount Sial and after Sial ordered the imp to chew off its own fingers to prove its loyalty. After this Sial cast a ritual to bind the imp to him to affirm its loyalty and allow it to leave the cursed castle.
The pcs and their allies then began to debate whether to continue or to retreat and rest but decide to push on. After a complete search of the third floor the pcs continue to explore and end up on the first floor. They find a long and narrow room occupied by 5 more of the minotaur skeletons. The huge minotaurs are not able to take advantage of their number due to the narrow nature of the room and the pcs take advantage of this never fighting more than two at a time. After a brief battle the minotaurs are slain. When the pcs realize that the next room is open to the sky and the flock of gargoyles they finally decide to retreat.
Late PM
The pcs have returned to their base camp to rest for the night. Shadow Count Sial decides to "interrogate" the imp to find out what he know. Sial claims that the creature knows more than he says. Bruntalmar tries to intervene but Sial refuses to end the "interrogation". After a great deal of torture Sial asks Laori Vaus for her assistance and finally the imp cracks and tells what he knows. Apparently the star shaped spike tower is actually an ancient artifact created by the god Zon Kuthon to trap the dreaded "rough beast" Rovagug in the center of the planet following Rovagug's defeat by the ancient gods. Should the pcs destroy a part of the tower Rovagug could be released (ie door). At the very least it would hasten his freedom and another world destroying war of the gods. The only other way to gain entrance to the tower is to defeat all the other anchor spirts (the shadow dragon Belshallam, the skeleton captain Castothrane, and Bishop Zev Ravenka the demi-lich) and finally their chained spirit leader Mithrodar. This alone will break the curse that binds Scarwall and seals the door to the tower. With this information to ponder the pcs rest for the night.