just after midnight
Being that Laori Vaus and Dawk Gunchar were unable to leave Scarwall due to the castle's curse, the pcs decided to travel to the 3rd floor and barricade themselves in Kavazon's bedroom.
very early AM
Their sleep was interrupted by two boneclaws but Dawk drew upon his power as an anchor to drive one away and the other was quickly overwhelmed and slain.
After completing their rest Bruntalmar's astounding ability to navigate indoors brought them right to the chained spirit and former castellian Mithrodar whose death would finally break the curse that haunted scarwall.

The pcs began a furious assault wherein Mithrodar's skeleton minions were quickly decimated and those that remained were cut off from their master when Dawk used his own anchor powers to block the survivors with his own skeletal troops. The pcs drew first blood and never gave Mithrodar a chance to recover so he was quickly overwhelmed and slain. The curse on Scarwall was lifted and the imprisoned spirits were freed.
Late AM
The pcs made their way to the top Zon Kuthon's star-spike tower. Laori Vaus was able to create a passage through the solid wall and the pcs were finally able to enter the fabled tower. After descending two floors the pcs encountered a strange looking undead angel thing.

The creature named Ildervok asked who among them had agreed to become the new curate of Zon Kuthon's spike. There was some discussion among the pcs and Laori's name was put forth but she refused. Andrian then dissembled that they needed to go back upstairs first but Ildervok followed suspiciously. Thinking quickly Riley offered Gaedren Lamm's undead head as the new curate. Of course Gaedren also refused but Andrian indicated that he intended to destroy the head if it did not cooperate and so Gaedren acceded to be the new curate of the spike to save his "life". After the Ildervok teleported Gaedren away to meet with the god Zon Kuthon himself the pcs continued searching for the sword Serithiel.
On the next floor the pcs found a well-like hole filled with a thick blue-green mist. After some experimentation Qual Kek decided that the mist would allow him to float to the bottom of the shaft and leaped down. He was correct in his guess except that the mist ended 50 above the next room and thus he fell 50 feet and was seriously injured. After some discussion the pcs decided to risk jumping down through the mist and although they were all injured no one died from the impact.
After reorganizing the pcs began to search the caverns near the spike's bottom. They soon heard chanting and came upon a group of humanoid lizards bowing and worshiping something, some creature, in an underground lake.

Upon hearing the troglodytes chant the name, "Rovagug" the pcs attack without mercy. Before the pcs slew all the surprised trogs their "god" levitated out of the water and attacked. Their god was some sort of transparent ooze and was extremly resistant to damage. Furthermore it was able to attack with its pseudopod at distance and the pcs were forced to answer with missile weapons alone. Thinking quickly Riley began hammering it with his enhanced force missile spell and each casting drove the creature too far away to bring its tentacles to bear. In short order Riley's force missiles drove so many holes into the creature that it discorperated. Andrian retrieved the glowing sword Serithtial and the sword was placed in Dawk's care. The pcs returned to their base camp to rest in order to leave the next morning.