The pcs bypass the two groups of 100 goblins on guard and sneak into the cathedral via the little used graveyard entrance.

Inside the cathedral the pcs sneak up on the hill giant and tiefling leader and kill them nearly soundlessly in their sleep.

Then they approach the small ogre tribe but are unable to slay them all before they awaken.

A firewall cast by Riley and Brunt's spectral soldiers hemmed them in at first. But then the ogres broke free and attacked the pcs from their undefended flank.

Unfortunately for the ogres this was too little too late. Weakened from their firewall burns they were quickly cut down by the pcs. However the goblins had heard the disturbance and investigated and began an alarm.
Early AM
The pcs heard the goblins massing for attack and wisely chose to use the firewall as a defensive rampart against the goblins. After the pcs shifted position the goblins sent wave after wave against the pcs only to have them immolated in the firewall.

The last few dozen goblins gave up the attack and retreated. In their frustration and desperation they released the demon Malfeshnakor.