Wednesday, December 29, 2010

4709 Sarenith 19th Xin-Shalast

very early AM
Svevenka guides the pcs to the edge of Xin-Shalast. The pcs find that their rune weapons and sihedron items allow them to bypass Xin-Shalast's defensive barrier known as the Occluding Field.

Svevenka leaves the pcs on the outskirts of Xin-Shalast. As soon as Svevenka least a strange fleshy chameleon-like humanoid named Morgiv begins ranting about Andrian as being the prophesied "chosen one" who will defeat something called the "Hidden Beast" and will lead his people the "Spared" out of the darkness and into the light. Andrian agrees to help.

Morgive leads the pcs to his people and a feast is held in honor of the Chosen One and his companions.

very late PM
The pcs sleep under the protection of the Spared.

4709 Sarenith 18th somewhere in the mountains

AM to PM
The pcs wait for night fall and the full moon.

Late PM to AM the next day
Svevenka shows the pcs how to use the light of the full moon to see the hidden road to Xin-Shalast. The road exists partially on the plane of Leng and can only be seen by moonlight. The pcs then travel to Xin Shalast.

4709 Sarenith 17th somewhere in the mountains

The pcs rest in a cave provided by Svevenka while they wait for the full moon.

4709 Sarenith 14th-16th somewhere in the mountains

The ghost of Silas Vekker leads the pcs through the mountains. On the afternoon of the 16th the pcs meet a fey winter spirit by the name of Svevenka. Brunt gives her an adamantine dagger and she agrees to guide them to Xin-Shalast. She says that this requires a full moon and so the pcs must wait until the next full moon in two days.

4709 Sarenith 12th somewhere in the mountains

Late AM to Early PM
The pcs track down the ghost of the dwarf Karivek Vekker and a battle ensues. The pcs quickly defeat the lone spirit.

Just as the pcs are about to return the body of Karivek Vekker to his brother Silas a strange demon creature that keeps repeating "wendigo" attacks the pcs.

In the cramped quarters of the cabin the beast has no chance and is quickly slain. Unknown to the pcs is that a wendigo is attracted to any instance of cannibalism because the feed on the cruelty and guilt as well as flesh. This particular wendigo was responsible for the blizzard that trapped the pcs and the blizzard that led to the cannibalistic destruction of the Vekker expedition.

The pcs finally give Karivek's body back to his ghost brother Silas and the two reconcile releasing Karivek's trapped spirit. Silas agrees to guide the pcs to Xin-Shalast but he also admits that a snow fey called Svevenka is the one that guided the Vekker brothers. Svevenka will have to be persuaded to take the pcs the rest of the way.

Late PM
The pcs rest in the Vekker cabin.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

4709 Sareneth 11th somewhere in the mountains

Very early PM
Just as a blizzard sets in the pcs find the cabin of two dwarven minors from Janderhoff; Silas and Karivek Vekker. The pcs find that the dwarven expedition resorted to cannibalism and their ghosts haunt the cabin causing disturbing visions that tip the pcs towards insanity. Finally the pcs find a pile of cannibalized dwarf bones and they are attacked by several insane dwarf ghosts.

There ensued a brief but furious battle with the pcs hemmed in by the small size of rooms in the cabin. The ghosts mind controlled Dawk and forced him to attack Riley. Instead of facing the certain danger of Dawk's blade Riley chose to teleport blind out into the blizzard. Unfortunately the window he teleported through was used as a lookout and so Riley fell 60 feet into the snow. Unable to see Riley followed the cliff face in the wrong direction and would have been lost in the storm. However the pcs finished off the cannibal ghosts and this seemed to cause the storm to abate. The pcs then had a long conversation with the dwarf ghost Silas Vekker.

Silas offered to help guide the pcs to Xin-Shalast if they would retrieve the corpse of his brother and help put his spirit to rest.

Late PM
The pcs rest in the Vekker's cabin.

4709 Sarenith 9th-10th

The pcs travel through the mountains on their ghost horses. The pcs see disturbing visions of aberrations through the corners of their eyes that disappear when looked at directly.

The barriers between worlds is thin here and the demi-plane of Leng is just out of reach. Leng is the meeting point of the plane of dreams and the plane of madness also known as the far realm.

4709 Sarenith 6th-8th the Storval Plateau

The pcs rest for 3 days in the foothills.

4709 Desnus 25th-Sarenith 5th somewhere on the Storval Plateau

The pcs travel through the mountains and onto the Storval Plateau on their ghost horses. The pcs are chased by a number of monsters and outrun them. However they are forced to battle a pair of earth titans and defeat them with some difficulty. Later they are chased down by a green dragon which they defeat and force to serve as scout.

4709 Desnus 24th somewhere in the mountains

The pcs rest in the white dragon's cave.

4709 Desnus 23rd Runeforge

Early AM
The pcs rest in Sandpoint and gather supplies for their journey.

With the help of Brodert Quint Riley casts a ritual that gives him control of Sandpoint's wrathwell. Riley uses the wrathwell to teleport the party to the fabled Runeforge. After a few minutes of planning and orienting the pcs decide to the wrath portion of the Runeforge complex. When confronted by the powerful Wrath Guardian the pcs decide to leave Brodert Quink and Bruntalmar behind and bluff their way through the wrath complex. The pcs work out the teleportation circles and bluff their way to a room with dead flesh of berserker demons and they return with enough demon flesh to create a number of wrath weapons. As the other pcs begin working on creating wrath weapons Brunt and Brodert head towards the Lust complex and and attempt to bluff their way past the Lust Guardian. Unfortunately Brodert succumbs to her carnal temptations and dies in the throws of passion. Brunt continues a short way and then decides that being alone in the lust wing is just to dangerous and he returns. After a brief 2nd attempt Brunt decides that he can do without a sin weapon. The other pcs finish their rune weapons and decide not to teleport back to Sandpoint and instead they decided to travel overland to the general location of Xin-Shalast. As they leave the Runeforge they encounter with a huge white dragon sleeping on his treasure pile.

A deadly battle ensues but despite the dragon's size and power it is overwhelmed by the tenacious pcs.