Morgiv the "spared", or skulk as they are know by the humans, went on to be the chieftain of his tribe due to his uncharacteristic bravery (by skulk standards) and because he personally found the "Chosen One"

Shalelu went on to become a member of the powerful covert elven organization the "Winter Council". Never a public figure, her name was forgotten in few years and she was referred to as "the elven woman" in the tales. This pleased Shalelu.
Carufinwe's name and contribution was forgotten in less than a year and he was referred to as "the elf" in the tales told in Korvosa and Sandpoint.
Riley married Ameico and was voted mayor of Sandpoint by a landslide. Riley became known as the Archemage of Sandpoint and became its protector and most famous citizen. At Andrian's prompting Riley was given amnesty by the Academae.
Dawk became the sidekick Trifaccia to the great hero of Korvosa, Blackjack. Dawk even had occasion to assume Blackjack's identity when Andrian was unavailable.

The orc-blood enjoyed a level of acceptance, respect, and purpose that he had never known in Belkzen. But ironically the few orcs in Korvosa lived in fear and most were very careful to avoid breaking laws in Korvosa for fear of the vengeful Trifaccia.
After crushing the remnants of Karzoug's grand army Qual Keck became the Great Chief of the Shoanti and was honored by all the Shoanti everywhere as "The Legend that Walks".
Andrian served as Prince Regent of Korvosa for 16 years until Prince Vendrian I ascended the throne. In time King Vendrian married the young daughter of Prince Andrian and Duchess Trinia Sabor thus uniting the two lines of kingship. All that time and afterward Andrian also secretly served as his generation's Blackjack protecting the powerless of Korvosa with his mighty sidekick Trifaccia. When King Vendrian I finally took over Andrian retired from political affairs to his keep outside of the city limits.

The young king was a capable ruler and his life time was remembered in the centuries to come as a golden age. It was said that the popular king ended the Curse of the Crimson Throne and in a century the heroes were forgotten in Korvosa.

Bruntalmar became the high priest and chief smith of Janderhoff. His rapport with Torog earned him the nickname of Godfriend. Thanks to Brunt, Janderhoff and Korvosa deepened their alliance and economic ties and yet Janderhoff still maintained its independence. While the stories of the Saviors of Sandpoint and the Nightwatch were forgotten by the humans of Korvosa and Sandpoint, Brunt kept their memories alive in Janderhoff. Still vigorous and alert on his 200th birthday the old priest told the stories of his comrades to each new generation of dwarflings.