Saturday, July 26, 2008

Action points and Milestones in 4e

An interesting but mechanically strange aspect of action points can be found in PHB on p286. Although pcs can EARN an unlimited number of action points through milestones, they cannot SPEND action points unless they have had at least a short rest. Of course the first one is free assuming the pcs begin an adventure after an extended rest. So unless time, events, or conditions prevent it; pc groups should have a short rest after every combat.

Saving Daviren

I decided that Daviren is alive at the base of the cliff at negative hit points. If you save him before the tide comes in and drowns him in a couple of hours you will get xp equal to defeating a 4th level opponent.

4708 Rova 7, Starday Thistletop goblin lair

AM: Pcs and Shalelu reach Thistle top thorn maze/thorn tunnels. Battle with 4 rats the size of mastiffs. Pcs discover sinkhole to ocean. Pcs find bridge to Thistle top lair. Appears to be a trap under repair. Riley volunteers to be a "meat pinata". PCs kill 10 goblin soldier-slaves and wound goblin spellcaster who falls to his death attempting bridge crossing. Pcs retreat and argue over fate of goblin captive. PCs rescue Daviren and retreat back to Sandpoint.
PM: PCs restock and rest. Pcs also lie to Daviren about rally point/time for next day.

4708 Rova 6, Fireday in Sandpoint, Varisia

AM: Shalelu returns while pcs are organizing foray against the Thistletop goblins. Shalelu tells pcs she know where the Thistletop lair is. Aldern Foxglove asks pcs if they are attacking the goblins and Daviren overhears and insists on going also. PM: Pcs realize they forgot to buy healing potions after over an hour and half of travel and return to Sandpoint. Pcs purchase potions and set out again. Ambushed by 6 goblin archers at just past the two hour travel mark. Daverin tries to kill goblin prisoner and is asked to scout ahead. Daviren leaves. The balance of the party (pcs + Shalelu) decide to take a "long rest" before finishing journey.

4708 Rova 5, Oathlday in Sandpoint, Varisia

AM: Pcs hold a strategy session. PM: Pcs take care of personal business and rest.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tsuto's Journal

(many illustrations of a scantily clad woman that pcs native to Sandpoint take to represent Nualia, you realize that Tsuto is someting of an accomplished artist at least in sketching)

(picture of Nualia and her Father the priest Father Tobyn)

(picture of a battle strategy map, front of the Sandpoint Cathedral, depicts what appears to be 30 goblins)

The raid went more-or-less as planned. Few, if any, of the goblin soldier-slaves survived but we were able to secure Tobyn’s casket with ease while the rubes were distracted by the suicide attack. This town deserves a burning that is for sure.

(a number of battle strategy maps of key Sandpoint areas, depict what appears to be a force of 200 goblins)

Chief Ripnugget seems to favor the overwhelming land approach, but I don’t think it’s the best plan. We should get the imp’s aid. Send her freaks up from below via the smuggling tunnel in my father’s glassworks, and then invade from the river and from the Glassworks in smaller but more focused strikes. The rest except Bruthazmus agree, and I am pretty sure the bugbear’s just being contrary to annoy me. My love’s too distracted with the lower chambers to make a decision. She says that once this “Malfeshnekor” is released and under her command, we won’t need to worry about being subtle. I find it hard to believe that simply speaking the true name of a powerful demon allows you to control it.

(illustration of same female but depicted with wings, horns, and claws, pcs native to Sandpoint recognize the illustration as Nualia)

My love seems bent on going through with it. Nothing I can say convinces her of her beauty. She remains obsessed with removing what she refers to as her “curse". She talks of little except replacing her beauty with “her Mother’s grace” as she calls it. Burning her father’s remains at the Thistletop shrine seems to have started the transformation, but I can’t say her new hand is pleasing to me. Hopefully when she offers Sandpoint to Lamashtu’s fires, her new body won’t be as hideous. Maybe I’ll luck out. Succubi are demons too, aren’t they?

Wealday Rova 4, 4708

AM: Shalelu Andosana arrives. PCs meet with Mayor Deverin, Sherriff Belor, and the merchant council to discuss goblin issue.
PM: Bethana Corwin tells Riley of the disappearance of Ameiko Kaijitsu. Late PM nightfall: PCs scout glassworks and surprise Tsuto Kaijitsu and 8 goblins as they exit. One goblin and Tsuto turned over to town guards. Brief search attempt for Ameiko. Dungeon crawl in "smuggler's tunnels". Pcs defeat two evistro, 1 wight, and 10+ helpless skeleton minions. Retreat and continue search upstairs for Ameiko and find her.

Toilday Rova 3, 4708 Sandpoint Varisia

AM to late PM: boar hunt in Tickwood. Late PM: pcs return to Sandpoint and deliver boar to Rusty Dragon.

Moonday Rova 2, 4708

AM: Andrian meets with Lonjiku Kaijitsu. Later pcs breakfast with Aldern Foxglove.
PM: Subdued Swallowtail Festival held.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sunday Rova 1st, 4708 location Sandpoint, Varisia

Mid morning: players thwart attack on Swallowtail Festival by goblins with assistance of Sheriff Belor Hemlock and Father Zantus Abstalar. Mayor Kendra Deverin declares the pcs heroes and arranges for an economic reward.

Afternoon to dusk: players go shopping and meet most of the town's shop keepers. Lyk kills rat in Shayliss Vinder's basement and is attacked by her father Ven Vinder. Andrian, Brunt, and Riley are too late to prevent the murder of Alergast Barett but manage to slay the goblin culprit in crawl space under house.

Daviren Hosk owner of the Goblin Squash Stables

Daviren Hosk
Male Human Ranger / Fighter
Level 4
Representing npc
Strength 19 (+4)
Dexterity 15 (+2)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 8 (-1)
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 195 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Dark Brown; Straight; Light Beard

Maximum Hit Points: 45 [includes toughness]
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges / Day: 7 [includes constitution modifier]

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Initiative: 1d20 +4 = + 2 [half level] + 2 [dexterity]

Base Strength Attack: 1d20 +6 = + 2 [half level + 4 [strength]
Base Dexterity Attack: 1d20 +4 = + 2 [half level + 2 [dexterity]
Base Constitution Attack: 1d20 +3 = + 2 [half level + 1 [constitution]
Armor Class: 16 = 10 + 2 [half level] + 2 [dexterity] + 2 [leather]
Fortitude Defense: 18 = 10 + 2 [half level] + 1 [Human] + 1 [ranger] + 4 [strength]
Reflex Defense: 16 = 10 + 2 [half level] + 1 [Human] + 1 [ranger] + 2 [dexterity]
Will Defense: 15 = 10 + 2 [half level] + 1 [Human] + 2 [wisdom]

Armor: Leather (15 lb) Shield: None (street clothes)

Unarmed Melee: 6 vs AC [+6 strength]; damage 1[W]=1d4+4 [strength]
Handaxe: +9 vs AC [+6 strength] [+2 proficiency][+1 one-hand talent]; damage 1[W]=1d6+5 [strength] range 5/10 3 lb (Axe) Off-hand, heavy throwable
Thrown: Same as melee
Add +1 damage for Weapon Focus -- Axe
Longbow: +6 vs AC [+4 dexterity] [+2 proficiency]; damage 1[W]=1d10+2 [dexterity] range 20/40 3 lb (Bow) Load free
Careful Attack +6w [strength] vs AC
Careful Attack +4w [dexterity] vs AC
Hit and Run +6w [strength] vs AC
Twin Strike +6w [strength] vs AC
Twin Strike +4w [dexterity] vs AC
Two Fanged Strike (melee) +6w [strength] vs AC
Two Fanged Strike (ranged) +4w [dexterity] vs AC
Jaws of the Wolf +6w [strength] vs AC
Shadow Wasp Strike (melee) +6w [strength] vs AC
Shadow Wasp Strike (ranged) +4w [dexterity] vs AC
w Weapon-based power. Apply adjustments for proficiency, situation, feats, magic, etc.

Base Saving Throw: d20 vs 10
Encumberance 4e
Normal Load:
Heavy Load:
Maximum Drag Load 190 lb.
380 lb.
950 lb.
Encumberance 3.5
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag: 116 lb. or less
117-233 lb.
234-350 lb.
350 lb.
700 lb.
1750 lb.

Languages: Common; Varisian
Acrobatics: +4 = 2 [dexterity] + 2 [half level]
Arcana: +2 = 0 [intelligence] + 2 [half level]
Athletics: +11 = 4 [strength] + 2 [half level] + 5 [class training]
Bluff: +1 = -1 [charisma] + 2 [half level]
Diplomacy: +1 = -1 [charisma] + 2 [half level]
Dungeoneering: +9 = 2 [wisdom] + 2 [half level] + 5 [class training]
Endurance: +8 = 1 [constitution] + 2 [half level] + 5 [class training]
Heal: +4 = 2 [wisdom] + 2 [half level]
History: +2 = 0 [intelligence] + 2 [half level]
Insight: +4 = 2 [wisdom] + 2 [half level]
Intimidate: +6 = -1 [charisma] + 2 [half level] + 5 [multiclass training]
Nature: +9 = 2 [wisdom] + 2 [half level] + 5 [class training]
Perception: +9 = 2 [wisdom] + 2 [half level] + 5 [class training]
Religion: +2 = 0 [intelligence] + 2 [half level]
Stealth: +9 = 2 [dexterity] + 2 [half level] + 5 [class training]
Streetwise: +1 = -1 [charisma] + 2 [half level]
Thievery: +4 = 2 [dexterity] + 2 [half level]

Lethal Hunter
Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus -- Axe
Multiclass Fighter -- One-Handed

Careful Attack [Level 1]
Hit and Run [Level 1]
Twin Strike [Level 1]
Encounter Powers:
Second Wind
Spend an Action Point [free action, not in surprise round]
+1 to hit with a one-handed weapon [multiclass fighter]
Two Fanged Strike [Level 1]
Unbalancing Parry [Level 2 Utility][immediate reaction]
Shadow Wasp Strike [Level 3]
Daily Powers:
Jaws of the Wolf [Level 1]
• One extra at-will power from your class (already included)
• One bonus feat at 1st level (already included)
• One bonus skill from the skill class list (already included)
• +1 to fortitude, reflex, and will defenses
• This ranger chose the two-blade style. This gives the equivalent of the toughness feat [not listed above].
• Hunter's Quarry -- bonus damage 1d8 [minor action]
• Prime Shot

Daviren Hosk's Equipment:
21 lb
3 lb
2 lb
5 lb
1 lb
1 lb
7 lb
10 lb
1 lb
51 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Arrows (quiver of 20) x1
Flint and steel
Lamp (common)
Pouch x1
Rations (1 day) x7
Rope (50', hempen) x1

More about Daviren Hosk:
Owner of the Goblin Squash Stables. Despises goblins with a bloody passion but no one knows why.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

House Rules for the Saga of the Saviors of Sandpoint

House Rules

1. Deus Ex Mechina points and bonus Experience Points: Players can earn bonus experience points and one Deus Ex Mechina point by doing things outside of the game which enhance everyone's gaming experience such as by keeping a gameblog, by painting minis, or reading DM recommended books.

An in character journal/game blog will earn the player 100xp (or 10xp per level at levels 11-30) and one Deus Ex Mechina point. Any player may also choose to keep an OUT of character blog that either describes the game (as a player at the table) or the campaign events (as some historian recording the events). An OOC blog will allow the player to choose either the xp award or the deus ex mechina award BUT NOT BOTH. The player is free to choose from game to game which award he prefers for a particular OCC entry.

Painting minis for the group will also earn the pc either 100xp or one DEM point. Reading a DM recommended (or approved) novel will earn a high 1xp per 2 pages to a low of 1xp per 4 pages. A player may instead opt for one DEM point.

Deus Ex Mechina points will allow a player to get control of the story by gaining some of the control of a game master. Players can redeem these points to set up a plot twist that benefits them in someway. A common use would be to spend a DEM point to locate an alchemist that manufactures a needed potion or a wizard/priest that crafts a particular ritual scroll. An extreme case would be to spend points to have chaotic evil creatures attack each other giving the player characters a chance to escape certain destruction (ala the orcs of Cirith Ungol in LotR). Normal requests will cost one point but an improbable request will cost two or even three DEM points). I will have the right to deny any request at any time though players will still retain the point(s) unspent.

2. Using Tumble to flip over an opponent:

A. DC 15 is what you need to flip over the average medium sized opponent. A size small opponent will be less like a 13 while a size L will be like a 20. A failed DC 15 (or whatever) check means your move ends in the square where you began the flip until your next turn. Though you could use your standard action to move again but probably not to attempt the flip again (see #6).

B. As per the rules if you pass out of a threatened square you get an opportunity attack. In order to tumble over someone you have to enter the square in front of them and exit it so you will have an attack of opportunity.

C. If the (adjusted) opportunity attack roll exceeds BOTH your (adjusted) acrobatic check and your AC you suffer damage and will be knocked back into the threatened square and will fall prone.

D. In any other case a DC 15 (or whatever) check will get you into the desired square with simply an attack of opportunity to get there.

E. A crit acrobatics check of 20 means no opportunity attack.

D. This maneuver counts as a move action. You have to travel at least 2 squares in a straight line to have any chance of doing this. So the good news is you could flip over and sneak attack in the same round. The bad news is you could have your butt handed to you for attempting it.