Saturday, September 27, 2008

4708 Rova 9th, Sunday Thistletop goblin lair

AM: Gift from Aldern Foxglove delivered to Lyk. Then pcs take fishing boats to Thistletop. Lyk climbs cliff defeats goblins. Pcs enter Thistletop level 2 and are ambushed from 3 and then 4 directions. PCs prevent encirclement and Nualia flees to level 3 after dropping the only enemy between her and escape: Daviren Hosk. Goblins coup de gras Daviren though. PCs chase Nualia downstairs and defeat final ambush killing over 100 goblin soldier-slaves (total of both levels).

Pcs make temporary alliance with Orik Vancaskerkin and Lyrie Akenaja. Nualia flees again somehow releasing a flaming Caterpillar-like demon by the name of Malfeshnakor. Nualia returns to the pcs with 3rd degree burns and dies. Malfeshnakor arrives and begins killing the remaining goblins. The pcs retreat during the carnage. The party plus two swim for shore to save their lives. On the beach tense negotiations end peaceful with Lyrie passing information about Malfeshnakor and allowing Riley to copy rituals from her spell book.

PCs return to Sandpoint to a somber hero's welcome. Mayor Deverin holds a solemn dinner in their honor. Pcs are gifted with the Goblin Squash Stables as Daviren had no living relatives. This will provide an income in the future.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Soulcleaver a gift from Aldern Foxglove PHB page 235, Adventurer's Vault p 9-10

SOULCLEAVER is a rare example of skilled orcish manufacture. Soulcleaver is a +1 two handed lifedrinker axe and is considered to be an execution axe due to it's weight and heft. The user feels a flush of energy every time he kills an opponent and on a critical hit the axe flashes a purple-black color and inflicts necrotic damage.

Execution axe: +2 proficiency bonus, 1d12 damage, 14 lb., Axe Brutal 2, high crit (requires superior weapon proficiency, any d12 die rolls of 1 or 2 are re-rolled, extra 1d12 damage on crit)

Lifedrinker weapon: +1 enhancement, 5 temporary hp per kill, +1d6 necrotic on crit