Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thin Black Ledger found at the Foxglove Townhouse

Thin Black Ledger-

The deed indicates that only 2/3 of Foxglove Manor was financed by Vorel Foxglove. The remaining 1/3 was paid for by an organization known as the "Brothers of the Seven". There are also about a dozen entries labeled as "Iesha's trip to Absalom". Each entry indicates that Aldern delivered 200gp every Oathday at midnight to a place referred to as "The Seven's Sawmill".

4708 Lamashan 25th Magnimar

Early AM:
Pcs return earlier than expected to the Foxglove townhouse. As the pcs wait for Aldern and Iesha to come down, Andrian searches the house for clues. Andrian and Carufinwe find a key hole in a decorative lion that fits the key they obtained at the Misgivings. Inside they find 200pp and a ledger with the above information. During dinner Andrian confronts "Aldern" with the fact that he claimed poverty but had a fortune hidden away. A furious battle erupts in the close quarters of the dining room. A deadly salvo of arrows by Carufinwe tips the scales of the battle. Andrian falls but is saved from a coup de gras by a timely arrow fired by Carufinwe. The false Andrian, Iesha, and the cook are revealed to be some sort of grey skinned shape-shifting humanoids. While searching the house the pcs find two humans bound and gagged in a closet. After removing the sacks from their heads the humans are revealed to be Orik Vancaskerkin and Lyrie Akenja. Orik reveals to the pcs that he was hired by Aldern Foxglove to bring a box to Aldern's townhouse in Magnimar but when he arrived Aldern was already there. They were invited to dinner and that is the last thing he remembers.

4708 Lamashan 24th Magnimar

Early AM:
Pcs watch Foxglove townhouse from sunrise to late morning. Late morning Andrian and Iesha go for a walk. Andrian passes by to test them and Aldern passes the test by recognizing Andrian and knowing his name. Pcs are invited to dine at the Foxglove townhouse that night.

Pcs dine with Iesha and Aldern at the Foxglove townhouse. Andrian tries to expose them as frauds to no avail. Pcs decline an invitation to sleep over and return but not to their own inn but instead to one nearby, out of fear and caution.

4708 Lamashan 23rd Magnimar

After midnight:
Andrian speaks with beggars, thieves, and ladies of negotiable virtue from sunset to sunrise. Andrian learns much of the criminal underworld as well as the law enforcement of Magnimar.

Early AM:
Andrian returns early and shares what he has learned with Carufinwe before finally grabbing some sleep. During the conversation Carfinwe decides to pay a visit to the
Lord Justice of Magnimar, Bayl Argentine.

Early PM:
Carufinwe spends many fruitless hours trying to convince the guards to let him in to see the Lord Justice. Eventually his pleas anger a passing racist Hellknight and the elf receives a brutal beating and is left bleeding in the mud.

Later PM:
Upon learning of Carufinwe's failed mission, Andrian decides to make his own attempt. Using flattery Andrian eventually gets in to see Lord Justice Argentine.

PM to nightfall:
Pcs watch the boarded up Foxglove townhouse until night.

4708 Lamashan 20th-22nd on the road to Magnimar

Pcs ride with a caravan to Magnimar. The large group insures the Party is not molested. Pcs arrive in Magnimar late on the 22nd. Andrian decides to scope out the criminal underworld while the rest of the group sleeps.

4708 Lamashan 19th Sandpoint

The pcs meet with Belor Hemlock regarding the skinsaw murders. The pcs are introduced to a merchant with news that similar murders are taking place in Magnimar. Everything is the same, including the Sihedron Rune, except that the lower jaw is not removed and instead facial skin has been removed. The party decides to go to Magnimar and investigate.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

4708 Lamashan 17th-18th Sandpoint and Foxglove Manor

The pcs thoroughly loot Foxglove Manor. Nothing was left behind and the pcs all receive a -1 to their greed stat.

4708 Lamashan 16th Sandpoint and Foxglove Manor

The pcs return to Foxglove Mansion with Father Zanthus and he performs an exorcism to rid the house of its evil spirit. The spirit manifests as the ghost of Vorel Foxglove and attacks Father Zanthus. The pcs defeat the spirit and the ritual is completed and the house is purged of its malignant power.

clue to the next phase of the Skinsaw adventure

In the laboratory of the creature that claimed to Aldern Foxglove you found 3 additional items of no particular value. One was a set of comic book quality sketches of an improbably muscled Lyk hacking down hordes of goblins. Another is what appears to be a portrait of Iesha Foxglove rendered in human blood and the following note.

Dearest Aldern,

You have served us quite well. The delivery you harvested from the caverns far exceeds what I had hoped for. You may consider your debt to the Brotherhood paid in full. Yet I still have need of you, and when you awaken from your death, you should find your mind clear and able to understand this task more than in the state you lie in as I write this.

You shall remember the workings of the Sihedron Ritual, I trust. You seemed quite lucid at the time, but if you find after your rebirth that you have forgotten, return to your townhouse in Magnimar. My agents shall contact you there soon. No need for you to bother the Brothers further. I will provide the list of proper victims for the Sihedron Ritual in two days time. Commit that list to memory and destroy it before you begin your work. The ones I have selected must be marked BEFORE they die, otherwise they do my master no good and the greed in their souls will go to waste.

If others get in your way, though, you may do with them as you please. Eat them, savage them, or turn them into your pawns with the mold, it matters not to me.

Your Mistress,
The Wanton of Nature’s Pagan Forms