Sunday, February 15, 2009

letter given to Andrian by Captain Gannon

Most beloved Andrian Constantine,

I realize that we have only known each other a short time but I feel a connection to you that in some way makes me feel I have known you my entire life. Though I have no right to ask it, I beg you to stay in Korvosa and never to return to Maginimar. If I can, I will go to be with you there. You may not recall this but the night before you left you were deep in your cups and you began to speak of the disappearance of Justice Ironbriar. You spoke in a most unseemly loud and arrogant tone and many patrons of the Gilded Cage heard you and marked your words. Perhaps you have forgotten but you bragged loudly that you would be the one that would solve the skinsaw murders and that the fool Ironbriar could no longer interfere with your investigation. You even implied that Ironbriar was taking bribes to let the killer slip through his fingers. You said that no one would ever guess that the charred corpse in the Seven Saws sawmill was actually the incompetent Ironbriar. You even went so far as to say he deserved death for his inability to solve the case. It is my fear that some of those present will have gone to the authorities with what they have heard and you might be implicated in Justice Ironbriar's disappearance. There is no love lost between Magnimar and Korvosa and thus you should be safe there as long as you attract no undue attention. I will do what I can here to defend you and tell everyone about the man of honor I have come to know and love.

With everlasting love,

4708 Neth 18th Korvosa

New Rules for the Crimson Throne path
Pcs can spend harrow points as follows:
1. They can be used as action points (still only 1 action point usable per encounter).
2. They can be used to modify any d20 on a 1 for 1 basis after the die is rolled. They can be used to add or subtract from a d20 roll up to +2 or -2 (does not stack with DM's friend modifier but can off set it).
3. In certain battles pcs that still have unspent harrow points have certain advantages that change from adventure to adventure and depends on the card a pc chose at the start of the adventure.

Early AM
As the pcs leave the Seacow Captain Gannon gives Andrian a letter. Gannon explains that he was paid 100gp by a beautiful young brunette to hold the letter until Andrian exited his ship in Korvosa. See contents of the letter above. The pcs take a walking tour of Korvosa from Endrin Island to his grandmother Zellara's house.

Late PM
Andrian takes the party to his grandmother's (Zellara). Andrian claims that he can see her ghost and his Harrow deck seems to float in the air and the cards are moved about. The pcs have a Harrow reading with no discernible medium. Andrain tells the pcs that his invisible grandmother is telling them to rest and that she will take them to her murderer in the morning.

4708 Neth 17th in sight of Korvosa

Late PM
The pcs arrive in Korvosa too late at night and spend one more night aboard the Seacow.

4708 Neth 7th-16th on the high seas

The pcs leave Magnimar on the Seacow and head toward Korvosa. The travel time includes a day lay over each in Palin's Cove and Veldraine.

4708 Neth 6th Magnimar

The pcs wait while the Seacow unloads her cargo and then takes on a fresh load.

4708 Neth 5th Magnimar

Pcs continue to attempt to book passage on a ship. Just as they are about to give up a battered ship known as the Seacow piloted by a weather beaten captain known only as Gannon agrees to take them aboard for the reasonable price of 10gp per.

4708 Neth 4th Magnimar

Early AM to Late PM
The pcs scour the docks for a ship that will take them the 500 some miles to Korvosa. No luck so far.

4708 Neth 3rd Magnimar

Late AM
The pcs return to the Shadowclock only to find it cleaned out. The only things remaining are 3 corpses and the Scarecrow's meager treasure. The pcs decide to head to Korvosa asap.

4708 Neth 2nd Magnimar

Late AM:
The pcs investigate the Shadowclock and battle a huge zombie with a scythe that resembles a scarecrow. After slaying the creature, a huge bell is dropped on Andrian but he narrowly evades it. After this the pcs (especially Andrian) parley with the presumed "Xanesha". Andrian admits to seeing Ironbriar before his untimely death. The pcs decide they are too weak to face Xanesha and retreat back to their inn.

4708 Lamashan 29th-Neth 1st Magnimar

Andrian decodes Ironbriar's encrypted journal (see below). The pcs reluctantly decide to look into the Shadowclock before leaving Magnimar and traveling to Korvosa.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Justice Ironbriar's journal

This journal is written in a cypher that uses draconic, elven, and Inferal runes. Without magic it will take 2d4 days and a DC 25 skill check to decipher the coded journal.

The journal in brief:
This journal clearly indicates that Justice Ironriar is the leader of the Skinsaw cult and has been since the "death" of Vorel Foxglove. Also Ironbriar is one of the founding members along with Vorel Foxglove and others whose names are not mentioned. But it is also clear from the journal that Ironbriar has recently been taking orders from someone known variously as Xanesha and the Wanton of Nature's Pagan Forms. It was this person that introduced Ironbriar to the Sihedron ritual and convinced him to recruit and manipulate Aldern Foxglove (noted as the mighty Vorel's grandson). The journal makes it clear that Ironbriar is absolutely smitten by this Xanesha and has conjugal visits with her in a place he refers to as the "Shadow Clock". Finally there is one disturbing entry dated a couple of weeks ago indicates that "Vorel's Legacy" arrived by courier and that the couriers had been apprehended and would be silenced. On Xanesha's intructions Ironbriar sold "Vorel's Legacy" to an organization known as the "Red Mantis". Iron Briar was paid 50,000gp for Vorel's Legacy by a Red Mantis group based in Korvosa. Ironbriar seems a bit concerned that Vorel's Legacy will be resold by the Red Mantis and that this "weapon" could be used in ways which might not further the ends of his god Norgorber.

4708 Lamashan 28th Magnimar

Just after midnight
Pcs set a trap for the Skinsaw cult of Norgorber on the first floor stairs triggered by shutting down the water wheels. The battle quickly starts to go bad as the cultists on the stairs heal one another as they fall and another group of cultists uses covering fire from the hole in the ceiling. Lyk attempts to plug the gap on the stairs and is flanked by cultists and caught in a crossfire and is slain. The evil high priest of the cultists is revealed to be a middle aged elf. Andrian suspectst that this is too much of a coincidence and suspects that the elf is Justice Ironbriar. While searching the sawmill the pcs find an encrypted journal which must be decoded. The pcs take turns carry/dragging Lyk and pretending he is merely drunk.

Early AM
Desperate to get rid of Lyk's corpse and hide their connection to Ironbriar's death the pcs pay a disreputable person to "bury" Lyk's body.

The pcs return to their inn and begin to plan their next move and decode Ironbriar's journal.

4708 Lamashan 27th Magnimar

Pcs investigate 7 Saws Sawmill. Andrian bluffs and then scouts out the mill.

Late PM
The whole party returns and begins to plan an attack.

4708 Lamashan 26th Magnimar

The pcs use Andrian's new connections to the Magnimarian underworld to fence the loot taken from the Misgivings and to purchase magic items.