Sunday, May 30, 2010

4709 Gozran 15th Scarwall, Belkzen

Early AM
After resting the pcs re-enter Scarwall yet again. This time they head to the first floor area they had vacated the night before. The pcs and the priests of Zon Kuthon debate strategy for crossing the open court yard. They decide to send in their stealthers first to open the door to the 2nd floor opposite them. Andrian, Laori, and the imp successful cross court yard though they do cause the gargoyles to begin speaking to each other in their strange language.

Next the non-stealth members (excepting only Sial and Bruntalmar) make a run for the door and finally the gargoyles fly down from the ramparts to attack. A desperate battle erupts but the endangered pcs manage to reach the door and safety. However Sial and Bruntalmar are trapped on the other side and attempting to cross the courtyard seems suicidal.

The two clerics decide to spike the doors closed to avoid being overrun. The party is now split with the clerics on one side of the court yard and the balance of the party on the other.

After some discussion the main group decided that it would be wiser to risk a crossing of the court yard again rather than to split the party. The main group talked the imp Jogub into sneaking back across the court yard invisibly to request that Bruntalmar and Shadowcount Sial attempt a crossing with support from their side. Then followed a heated argument between Bruntalmar, who wished to comply with the request, and Sial who thought is suicidal and ludicrous. Shadowcount Sial was only persuaded because Brunt threatened to cross and leave Sial alone with the undead.

Bruntalmar burst through the door and sprinted for the far side of the court yard so quickly that he caught the gargoyles off guard and managed to escape. Although Shadowcount Sial was only a few seconds behind Brunt he was not nearly so lucky. After only a few steps Sial was surrounded by the gargoyles that Brunt had startled with his mad dash. Sial fought desperately but was dragged down and ripped to pieces by the claws of the gargoyles. The last sounds Sial heard was the mocking voice of Laori Vaus telling him he could make it.

No one shed a tear for Shadowcount Sial's untimely demise and eventually the party began searching out the rest of the second floor near the star tower. The party discovered 5 small rooms for priests of Zon Kuthon and the curse caused the spirits of the dead to attack the party. Instead of engaging as expected the ghosts passed through the floor. Apparently the ghosts had run off to warn the guardian of the this level a mummy named Prelate Aruth.

After a long battle in confined hallways the pcs led by Andian defeated the five spirits and the mummy-priest Aruth. The pcs found a stair case leading down to the first level area near the star tower. After looking around a little the pcs opened the door to a large diagonal room wherein they found a gem encrusted disembodied skull that levitated into the air and hissed, "STEAL YOUR SOULS". Apparently the pcs have discovered the anchor they were looking for, the Bishop of Zon Kuthon Zev Ravenka.

The animated skull of the former bishop floated in the air and a furious battle erupted. Andrian charged the demilich and in turn Zev Ravenka summoned a small army of skeletons and charged the pcs. For a time it seemed that the pcs were doomed, out numbered by skeleton warriors and out gunned by the soul stealing powers of the demilich. However the pcs were still protected by the ritual of the Sun Shaman and were thus able to resist the soul stealing powers of the demilich. The turning point in the battle came when Riley cast a spell that temporarily rendered the demilich inert and Bruntalmar destroyed Zev Ravenka's skeleton minions with his turning power. The pcs exploited this opportunity and destroyed the demilich and defiled its phylactery. The battle exhausted the pcs and they decided to retreat and rest. Fortunately the gargoyles were off hunting and they were able to pass through the courtyard unmolested. Once back at their base camp the pcs attempted to rest though a gargoyle disturbed Andrian's turn at watch and Bruntalmar drove off a foray by a small party of orcs.