Sunday, July 18, 2010

4709 Gozran 16th Scarwall

After much needed rest the pcs once again entered Scarwall. Andrian employed his grandmother's enchanted harrow cards to choose the best route to locate the shadow dragon anchor Belshallam. After passing through the courtyard safety yet again they located the dragon and attacked.

Belshallam summoned a vast horde of skeletons to hold the pcs at bay but the mindless undead were cut down almost as quickly as they are summoned. With the skeletons destroyed and the dragon surrounded the battle quickly became one sided and Belshallam was slain. However before the pcs could catch their breath the skeleton of Kazavon's high captain Castothrane attacked with another horde of skeletons. Castothrane used his hellfire power to burn any pc unlucky enough to come within reach. Soon it began to look as though the pcs were over matched and in danger of being overrun and slain. The fresh skeleton horde was quickly reduced but the undead minions provided a distraction that Castrothrane exploited to the near ruin of the pcs. Just when things were looking hopeless the pcs managed to force Castothrane out into the hall and his ability to overwhelm the pcs dwindled as his access to them became limited by the terrain.

With team work the pcs quickly turned the battle around and soon Castrothane was the one being overwhelmed by pcs superior numbers. Finally Castrothane, the last of the spirit anchors, was destroyed and as a result the curse of Scarwall became very weak. The pcs retreated and the curse attempted to repair itself by making Laori Vaus and Dawk Grunchar its new anchors. Now Laori and Dawk are unable to leave Scarwall but have gained the power to animate the ubiquitous bones and to command the lesser undead. The pcs are unwilling to leave their comrades behind and they begin to discuss their next move.