Saturday, September 18, 2010

4709 Gozran 29th Korvosa

Just after midnight
The pcs complete their resting and preparations for the assault on Castle Korvosa

Very Early AM
Under cover of darkness the pcs penetrate the castle's defenses. Sabina Merrin and Bruntalmar enter the castle through the front entrance. Sabina seemed to still be in command of the Grey Maidens and Bruntalmar used Andrian's magic hat to seem to be a Grey Maiden himself. The rest of the party snuck in and used the secret door provided by Neolandus.

Sabina Merrin used her authority over the Grey Maidens to get herself and Bruntalmar down to the first floor secret entrance to rejoin the balance of the party. Using the map provided by Neolandis the pcs quickly made their way to the 2nd floor via the castle's main stairs. They then held a brief strategy session in Sabina's former bedroom with a silence aura provided by Brunt. As planned a stealth sub-group continued on to Queen Ileosa's nearby bedroom. Under the very noses of two of the Queen's guard Andrian, Laori, and others snuck up to the Queen's bed. Andrian plunged his dagger into Ileosa's heart which caused her to explode in a shower of blood. The pcs were then engaged in a brief battle against Yara Porphyria and Ralth the necromancer in the next room and the two guards in the Queen's room. For a few brief moments Rolth's power was a challenge to the party. However even Rolth could not withstand the combined powers of the pcs. After Rolth fell Yara saw the hopelessness of the situation and surrendered. Meanwhile Sabina took command of the Grey Maidens on the second floor and sent them to hold the stairs against the Red Mantis assassins approaching from the third floor. Then Andrian gave an inspiring speech to the mob organized by Cressida and this horde quickly overwhelmed all opposition.

In exchange for the mercy of exle Yara Porphyria told what he knew and suspected of Queen Ileosa's plans. Apparently the Queen managed to collect a number of the artifacts made from the body of the dragon Kazavon and had shipped them west into the Marshfen swamp to a place known as the Sunken Queen. Yara conjectured that the dragon's spirit was planning to double cross Ileosa, bring itself back to life, and make the new born prince his familiar. Yara was also forced to pass his tower and possessions to his supposed heir, Andrian.